tm raw.mww� vy
<br />L�r rwr
<br />51a1e 01 Colorado A trab of land rorr HILe, o pad of the Southeast Loader (VI /Q, of Section Twenty
<br />County Ol�y by (20), Township Ten (10) Nord, Rarge EMSen (11) Well If Inc 6M. P.N., in Hall County,
<br />On Me [ 'L-I' III ol�••W" 1001, before ate. —MPM C5, Be�0iaA4� Nebraska, mare porNculady do onbed as fellows;
<br />a Nalary Public ./thin and /or said Cnobtf personally appeared LARRY 0 JON[$ ad Beg loin, of IM sou /nwesf some, of sod Soadeasl Ouoder (5[1 14); dens conning
<br />BEVERLy R. JONES, trustees under the Lorry 0. Jones and /or Raved,, R. Jones Trost Poled moldy clang the even, line of said Soudead Ouader (5E1 /4). on an Assumed 9wrMg If
<br />May 1, 1002, 1, me personally known /o be the Ldenn'cal persons whoso signduns are NddaM MY, a distance If One Thousand Two lhetdnd UP, five and Eighty Hurdndlb
<br />affixed herefa, and that earn did ocknowlcdgs the exxutlon thereof In be his ar her (1255.80) feel; Ibence rannIng NO7001)Ob, a distance of Tardy Tone (SJO) feel, A, I&
<br />vo/unrory not and deed ACTUAL polo{ of Ngrnnrng; Ih. ronlrnurng nodherly along the last described course, a
<br />IN WITNCSS WHEREOF, 1 nave hereunla subscribed my, name and aftwal my ol/rc /al seal of distance of Camino (11.0) feel; /hence running Ng0'0 OOH,, 0 disance of NY (6.0) teal,
<br />'m , "'on' ih dole last odave wnlem thence running NW'M' 0£, a distance of four Hundred Th" Six and /arty Hundredths
<br />i pal.t ?l (43640) feet, Mencro conning N90'000 E a distance of Th. Hundred Ninety and filly
<br />We1la o A Qe rrdtn Six Hundrdlhs (390.56) feet inence conning SOO'0O N"k,, a distance of four Nundnd fifty
<br />m
<br />c T Three and oo
<br />Nomry Paeho Try Handredrnt (4S3.4B) rest ro a pam' rnidy core. (3JO) leer, noun of MI
<br />R'co�
<br />could line of said Soulheesl Loader (SEI /Q; thence runn/ng 590'OO'00'W a distance It
<br />SORVEYORS CERTIFICATE Three Hundred Eignly roar and fifty six tfihbMhs (ace 56) fact to do, ACTUAL paint of
<br />I hereby cerHly that on August 5, 1002, I rompided on acurate survey of 'LAM be9laning and ooataMlng 4, NJ acres mare or less.
<br />5090IVISVMI Hall Count', Nebraska, as shown oa de accompanying that Merest that l&
<br />lots, Mocks, streets, avenues, alleys, porky eammans and other grounds as contacted in
<br />said subdivislan as shown on tno occampanyrng plat Mersa/ are well and accuroMy, slaked
<br />off and maned; that /eon markers were p/aeed at all lot carne"; 'hot Ina dimensions of
<br />each let are os shown on the plat loaf each Col Dears its own numbev and Mal said
<br />sury Aw p will reference to known and nrorded nano —ante .
<br />e
<br />it „c � &ry/ 0. Sarg9 Land umyor No. 518
<br />SubmlNed la old approved by Ina Regional Planning Commissian of Hatt County, Grand
<br />Island, Wood River and the Villages of Aldo, Calm and Oaniphon, Nebraska.
<br />�s1arg�
<br />,man Gale
<br />,proved and accepted by the Hull County RoaM at 5upervrs"O this .O day Of
<br />.fir llrndel, 2002
<br />��w.nw` —'aunty Cart k 0
<br />and do aboad by the City of Wood River, Nebmsko, Ids I 'J' day If
<br />Tmowes under the Lorry 0. Jones and Revady R Jones cad Mad May 2, 2001, being Ibe
<br />swaths of the land described hereon, have caused same to be surveyed, subdivided, plahed
<br />and designated as [0£RS SUROIVISIOM; Mall County, Nebraska, as shown on the
<br />acompanying plat Ihanat and do hereby dedico'e IM road abht of way do shown the.
<br />to the poblic for Moir use face.,, and Me easements, if any, as shown thereon for the
<br />Ioco,on, construe &n and raeintenance of puboo service utlllfks forever, logefher with As
<br />right of ;ogress and egress Menlo, and hereby, pPoblbbiv the planting of notes, bushes
<br />and shrubs, or pelting ode, I&A.clions upon, aver along or underneath Me surface of
<br />such ease a, and Ihot the laregarng subdivision as more part bled, described in the
<br />demrrpiran hereon as appears on M/s plot is mad, with the foe .1, and in
<br />.O,doace with the anoints of the andosrgned Owners and prdswidon.
<br />IN WNNfSS WRERfOr, we here oftored Our signatures hereto OIZ A, -_R,4o , Colorado,
<br />Mi, I � day of t'9 ,J . mo1.
<br />Larry D. Jones and &very R. Jones 1.1t &Mel May 2 2001
<br />Lµ "lu.GL� .�/a/
<br />E. Larry D;yHn Irastoo r�(0, shows' , Tow
<br />Mayor Cily Cle
<br />Rockwell And Assaa. - [ "gin et ring A 5urvcying - Orand Island, Nabraeka Mwi tIM
<br />Et.
<br />SD914
<br />S® ctJ ®n 26,
<br />790N =a9998fl'
<br />L
<br />aWw
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<br />41 0 Location Sketch
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<br />. -n�ree r/Y tn„ P,ce reox umess anwwee Naree
<br />o-tmmre rp' xon Prpc vro1c+ rmMee anadea NatM
<br />n- rmKare. AcN1L mxaxe
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<br />N:nce ltwn tr WCWx
<br />Lpo's wt mwm'.g
<br />N u l H Y R080
<br />tm raw.mww� vy
<br />L�r rwr
<br />51a1e 01 Colorado A trab of land rorr HILe, o pad of the Southeast Loader (VI /Q, of Section Twenty
<br />County Ol�y by (20), Township Ten (10) Nord, Rarge EMSen (11) Well If Inc 6M. P.N., in Hall County,
<br />On Me [ 'L-I' III ol�••W" 1001, before ate. —MPM C5, Be�0iaA4� Nebraska, mare porNculady do onbed as fellows;
<br />a Nalary Public ./thin and /or said Cnobtf personally appeared LARRY 0 JON[$ ad Beg loin, of IM sou /nwesf some, of sod Soadeasl Ouoder (5[1 14); dens conning
<br />BEVERLy R. JONES, trustees under the Lorry 0. Jones and /or Raved,, R. Jones Trost Poled moldy clang the even, line of said Soudead Ouader (5E1 /4). on an Assumed 9wrMg If
<br />May 1, 1002, 1, me personally known /o be the Ldenn'cal persons whoso signduns are NddaM MY, a distance If One Thousand Two lhetdnd UP, five and Eighty Hurdndlb
<br />affixed herefa, and that earn did ocknowlcdgs the exxutlon thereof In be his ar her (1255.80) feel; Ibence rannIng NO7001)Ob, a distance of Tardy Tone (SJO) feel, A, I&
<br />vo/unrory not and deed ACTUAL polo{ of Ngrnnrng; Ih. ronlrnurng nodherly along the last described course, a
<br />IN WITNCSS WHEREOF, 1 nave hereunla subscribed my, name and aftwal my ol/rc /al seal of distance of Camino (11.0) feel; /hence running Ng0'0 OOH,, 0 disance of NY (6.0) teal,
<br />'m , "'on' ih dole last odave wnlem thence running NW'M' 0£, a distance of four Hundred Th" Six and /arty Hundredths
<br />i pal.t ?l (43640) feet, Mencro conning N90'000 E a distance of Th. Hundred Ninety and filly
<br />We1la o A Qe rrdtn Six Hundrdlhs (390.56) feet inence conning SOO'0O N"k,, a distance of four Nundnd fifty
<br />m
<br />c T Three and oo
<br />Nomry Paeho Try Handredrnt (4S3.4B) rest ro a pam' rnidy core. (3JO) leer, noun of MI
<br />R'co�
<br />could line of said Soulheesl Loader (SEI /Q; thence runn/ng 590'OO'00'W a distance It
<br />SORVEYORS CERTIFICATE Three Hundred Eignly roar and fifty six tfihbMhs (ace 56) fact to do, ACTUAL paint of
<br />I hereby cerHly that on August 5, 1002, I rompided on acurate survey of 'LAM be9laning and ooataMlng 4, NJ acres mare or less.
<br />5090IVISVMI Hall Count', Nebraska, as shown oa de accompanying that Merest that l&
<br />lots, Mocks, streets, avenues, alleys, porky eammans and other grounds as contacted in
<br />said subdivislan as shown on tno occampanyrng plat Mersa/ are well and accuroMy, slaked
<br />off and maned; that /eon markers were p/aeed at all lot carne"; 'hot Ina dimensions of
<br />each let are os shown on the plat loaf each Col Dears its own numbev and Mal said
<br />sury Aw p will reference to known and nrorded nano —ante .
<br />e
<br />it „c � &ry/ 0. Sarg9 Land umyor No. 518
<br />SubmlNed la old approved by Ina Regional Planning Commissian of Hatt County, Grand
<br />Island, Wood River and the Villages of Aldo, Calm and Oaniphon, Nebraska.
<br />�s1arg�
<br />,man Gale
<br />,proved and accepted by the Hull County RoaM at 5upervrs"O this .O day Of
<br />.fir llrndel, 2002
<br />��w.nw` —'aunty Cart k 0
<br />and do aboad by the City of Wood River, Nebmsko, Ids I 'J' day If
<br />Tmowes under the Lorry 0. Jones and Revady R Jones cad Mad May 2, 2001, being Ibe
<br />swaths of the land described hereon, have caused same to be surveyed, subdivided, plahed
<br />and designated as [0£RS SUROIVISIOM; Mall County, Nebraska, as shown on the
<br />acompanying plat Ihanat and do hereby dedico'e IM road abht of way do shown the.
<br />to the poblic for Moir use face.,, and Me easements, if any, as shown thereon for the
<br />Ioco,on, construe &n and raeintenance of puboo service utlllfks forever, logefher with As
<br />right of ;ogress and egress Menlo, and hereby, pPoblbbiv the planting of notes, bushes
<br />and shrubs, or pelting ode, I&A.clions upon, aver along or underneath Me surface of
<br />such ease a, and Ihot the laregarng subdivision as more part bled, described in the
<br />demrrpiran hereon as appears on M/s plot is mad, with the foe .1, and in
<br />.O,doace with the anoints of the andosrgned Owners and prdswidon.
<br />IN WNNfSS WRERfOr, we here oftored Our signatures hereto OIZ A, -_R,4o , Colorado,
<br />Mi, I � day of t'9 ,J . mo1.
<br />Larry D. Jones and &very R. Jones 1.1t &Mel May 2 2001
<br />Lµ "lu.GL� .�/a/
<br />E. Larry D;yHn Irastoo r�(0, shows' , Tow
<br />Mayor Cily Cle
<br />Rockwell And Assaa. - [ "gin et ring A 5urvcying - Orand Island, Nabraeka Mwi tIM
<br />