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200209983 <br />ExHIBff °A,. <br />PARCEL 1: The Northerly Eighty -three and One I Ialf (83 Y,) feet of Lot One (I ), in <br />Block Six (6), in Russel Wheeler's Addition to the City of Grand Island, I lall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />PARCEL 2: The Not therly'llin ty -three (33) feet of Lot Eight (8) in Block 'Three (3) of <br />Nagy's Addition to the City of (fraud Island, hall County, Nebraska. <br />PARCEL 3: Lots Six (6) and Seven (7), Block Seventy -nine (79), Wheeler and Bennett's <br />Third Addition to the City of Grand Island, I lall County, Nebraska, <br />PARCEL 4: Lot One (1), Block Ten (10), Russel Wheeler's Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, I Fall County, Nebraska, <br />PARCEL 5: The Northerly 47 feet Of Southerly 99 feel of Lot Eight (8), Block 'I [free (3), <br />in Nagy's Addition, in the City of Grand Island, I lall County, Nebraska. <br />PARCEL 6: Lot Eight (8), Block One Hundred Twenty -eight (128), Union Pacific <br />Railway Company's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />PARCEL 7: Lot Eight (8), Block Twelve (12), College Addition to West Lawn, in the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />PARCEL 8: LOCI (2), in Block One hundred Thirty -four (134) in Union Pacific <br />Railway Company's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Mall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />PARCEL 9: The South Half (S %,) of Lot Ten (10), except the West Thirty -two (32) feet <br />thereof, and the South I lalf (S '/) of Lots Eleven (I l ) and Twelve (12), Block Nine (9), <br />Military Addition to the City of St. Paul, Howard County, Nebraska. <br />