Ra onot wastes ove ine -recor er use only
<br />FORM 502] (5 99)
<br />RETURN TO Faon Credit Services of America Kathy Schulte
<br />PREPARER: P.O. Box 5080, Grand Island, NE 68802 308 -384 -0557
<br />CTL 2: 300 CTL 3:220 Customer No: 87294 Note No 201 & 204
<br />Farm Credit Services of America
<br />Trustee: AgAmerica, FCB, successor -in- interest to the Farm Credit Bank of Omaha
<br />Beneficiary: Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA
<br />Trustor: GARTNER FARMS INC, a Corporation
<br />Record Information:
<br />County: Hall
<br />Date Recorded: June 12, 2000
<br />Recorded: as Instrument No. 200004796
<br />At Beneficiary's request, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Trustee
<br />hereby grants, releases, and reconveys to Trustor or the persons) entitled thereto, all right, title, and interest of the
<br />Trustee acquired by virtue of the above - mentioned Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents in and to the following property:
<br />See. TWn. s
<br />IN E1/4 23 9N 9 W of the 6'h P.M.
<br />EXCEPT a tract more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 23; thence
<br />Westerly along the South line of the said NE' /4 a distance of 475.0 feet;
<br />thence Northerly, parallel with the East line of said NE' / a distance of
<br />425.0 feet; thence Easterly, parallel with the said South line a distance
<br />of 475.0 feet; more or less to a point on the said East line of said NE'/4,
<br />thence Southerly along the said East line a distance of 425.0 feet, more
<br />or less, to the point of beginning.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />)ss
<br />this instrument to be executed on the date set out in the acknowledgment.
<br />AgAmerica, FCB, Trustee
<br />By Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA
<br />Its Aent and Attorney -in act,
<br />Rita M. Sallin
<br />Assistant Corpo ate Secretary
<br />On this 17th day of September, 2002, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Rita M. Sallinger, being by me
<br />personally known, and duly sworn, did say that she is Assistant Corporate Secretary of the corporation executing the
<br />foregoing instrument; that the seal affixed to the instrument is the seal of the corporation; that the instrument was signed
<br />and sealed on behalf of the corporation by authority of its board of directors; as agent and attorney -in -fact for, and on
<br />behalf of, AgAmerica, FCB, Trustee, as principal; and she acknowledged the execution of the instrument to be the
<br />voluntary act and deed of the principal, the agent and attorney -in -fact, and her.
<br />(SEAL) GENERAL NOTAflY -State NNehrasit
<br />My Comm. Ery. May 23, 2005
<br />My commission expires May 23, 2005.
<br />Katherine S. Schulte
<br />Notary Public in and for Said County and State
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<br />Ra onot wastes ove ine -recor er use only
<br />FORM 502] (5 99)
<br />RETURN TO Faon Credit Services of America Kathy Schulte
<br />PREPARER: P.O. Box 5080, Grand Island, NE 68802 308 -384 -0557
<br />CTL 2: 300 CTL 3:220 Customer No: 87294 Note No 201 & 204
<br />Farm Credit Services of America
<br />Trustee: AgAmerica, FCB, successor -in- interest to the Farm Credit Bank of Omaha
<br />Beneficiary: Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA
<br />Trustor: GARTNER FARMS INC, a Corporation
<br />Record Information:
<br />County: Hall
<br />Date Recorded: June 12, 2000
<br />Recorded: as Instrument No. 200004796
<br />At Beneficiary's request, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Trustee
<br />hereby grants, releases, and reconveys to Trustor or the persons) entitled thereto, all right, title, and interest of the
<br />Trustee acquired by virtue of the above - mentioned Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents in and to the following property:
<br />See. TWn. s
<br />IN E1/4 23 9N 9 W of the 6'h P.M.
<br />EXCEPT a tract more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 23; thence
<br />Westerly along the South line of the said NE' /4 a distance of 475.0 feet;
<br />thence Northerly, parallel with the East line of said NE' / a distance of
<br />425.0 feet; thence Easterly, parallel with the said South line a distance
<br />of 475.0 feet; more or less to a point on the said East line of said NE'/4,
<br />thence Southerly along the said East line a distance of 425.0 feet, more
<br />or less, to the point of beginning.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />)ss
<br />this instrument to be executed on the date set out in the acknowledgment.
<br />AgAmerica, FCB, Trustee
<br />By Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA
<br />Its Aent and Attorney -in act,
<br />Rita M. Sallin
<br />Assistant Corpo ate Secretary
<br />On this 17th day of September, 2002, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Rita M. Sallinger, being by me
<br />personally known, and duly sworn, did say that she is Assistant Corporate Secretary of the corporation executing the
<br />foregoing instrument; that the seal affixed to the instrument is the seal of the corporation; that the instrument was signed
<br />and sealed on behalf of the corporation by authority of its board of directors; as agent and attorney -in -fact for, and on
<br />behalf of, AgAmerica, FCB, Trustee, as principal; and she acknowledged the execution of the instrument to be the
<br />voluntary act and deed of the principal, the agent and attorney -in -fact, and her.
<br />(SEAL) GENERAL NOTAflY -State NNehrasit
<br />My Comm. Ery. May 23, 2005
<br />My commission expires May 23, 2005.
<br />Katherine S. Schulte
<br />Notary Public in and for Said County and State
<br />