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20020989/ <br />A tract of land beginning at the Southwest Comer of Lot Thirty -six (36), Sass Second <br />Subdivision, thence East on the South line of Lots Thirty -four (34), Thirty -five (35), <br />and Thirty -six (36), Sass Second Subdivision to the Southeast comer of Lot Thirty-four(34) <br />Sass Second Subdivision, thence South on a line perpendicular to the South line of Sass <br />Second Subdivision for a distance of 20.0 feet thence West on a line 20.0 feet South of and <br />parallel to the South line of Sass Second Subdivision for a distance of 316.8 feet to the <br />East line of Lot One (1), Industrial Addition thence North on the East line of Industrial <br />Addition for a distance of 20.0 feet to the point of beginning <br />AND <br />A tract of land beginning at a point on the South line of Sass Second Subdivision, said <br />point being 33.0 feet West of the East line of the Northeast Quarter of Section I4 -11 -9, <br />thence South on a line 33.0 feet West of and parallel to the East line of Section 14 -11 -9 <br />for a distance of 20.0 feet thence West on a line 20.0 feet South of and parallel to the <br />South line of Sass Second Subdivision for a distance of 674.03 feet thence North on a <br />line perpendicular to the South line of Sass Second Subdivision for a distance of 20.0 <br />feet thence East on the South line of Sass Second Subdivision for a distance of 674.03 <br />feet to the point of beginning, <br />