t HPS firfAmmlasuraAf t #�z tern -
<br />_- 20020930
<br />knoW 2111 glen by Tbv6e Presents, That, Wbomme, In an adios in the District Court of the
<br />Judria7Diuwtojlhe Sta(eo) Nebraska,ondhinandjardu Camayol Hall- wherein !.
<br />III County of Hall Nebraska a body politic and Corporate III
<br />........ ._. .... .... dwintiff and
<br />See attached Appendix "A
<br />_. ..... _. de/ dal
<br />y
<br />M.-January 1st . Term, A. D. 1999., of mdeoud,.County of Hall, Nebraska
<br />did obtain a deweefindiryt hat there is duefrom _See _Appendix _ "A -_
<br />_..___:... ........_....
<br />County of Hall, NEbraska, A Body Politic and Corporate
<br />b.._...._ - ......... _____ __ -_ .- _ -_._. _..._.._.. .___..__. ________, the sum y
<br />Sums found due and owing in order of their priority as determined in !
<br />of._._.. _.._.._.__._ - -__- - - - ..__..._- - - - -p y - -- ___. _____..__ dotlms, III
<br />I. ._de &.x2e n-f foreclgSure....._..
<br />and cows of suit taxed at .._._. __- __ __. _.dolkma, and, whereas, it was then mod there
<br />further ordered in the said action that in default of the payment of the sum m found due by the said
<br />See Appendix "A .......... Jerry - Watson
<br />Sheriff of said Coon(Y f Halj. _ -__ ___- - _. _.._.._ -_, ahou(d cause (he lands and ferwmens /wremaJter deso-i4d hr 6e
<br />adeedsed and sold according to law to pay the same, and, whereas, default lmrzng been made therein, the soN_
<br />Jerry Watson - Shat,(jf mid coardy, under and by oerlue of the said decree and
<br />!. the order of sale to him duty directed, did on the -- __l9xh - ___. day of. - .April _._ ____A. D. f9
<br />a[the _Lower Level City Grand Island
<br />f
<br />front door the County Court Dome in the ____- of
<br />in said Caum of Hall ..... _ __ ____ ______ ___ _ - -__, hoommjusl gixen due cod legal debts cfthe limemol Plaefsaid mlc
<br />by publication once in each week for four x ce. r. ,reeks in thrGrand ... Island Indep.end.Qn)<, a.uuspaper prinlyd and in geneca(
<br />eircdation in said County of Hall_ - sell said premises at public auctwn to
<br />Steven A and Linda L Manolidis - - -- -Joe the sum oJ. Ten dollars and ,no[100
<br />_($10.00) __. _._. __ __._._.... .....dolWs, which aafeu,vs afferuwrd at the..dan_ lst___.._Tercn fetid coal,
<br />A. D., 19.9.9..., Watson as such Sheri , ordered
<br />...... examuud and confirmed and the said__._.. j/
<br />r,....,......a..,.ra .......:... :.. a. .:.....r. ,.. a. ...:a Steven A and i.inda 7. Manolidie, '
<br />y,
<br />.................... .............................
<br />(oaaly of Hall On fhs Q - day of
<br />e2 belt, before, me, the urdersiarad
<br />in andf mid county, personally appeared the said_
<br />- - - -_ Jerry Watson
<br />.__ .......... ...... .._.. .... ....__. .......,Shal f acid Courdl,
<br />b me personally known to be flu idealimt person who signed the foregoing instrument as grantor, and
<br />he acbmwkdged the same to be his ealuNary al and deed, as such shat for the use and purposes,
<br />tforth.
<br />pONALD O.00HSNEfl it =gB my hand and o l a l the day and yearr{ab�7o -ce own,
<br />:`^ t.= MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ilY - "" ed0-S h
<br />�'s �:r Fe6ma714,2W5
<br />--- .�
<br />II��7
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