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200209843 EXHIBIT ^A" <br />The North Forty —four (44) feet of Lot Two (2) , in Block Twenty One (21) , in <br />Scarff's Addition to West Lawn, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, and. a tract of land lying adjacent thereto and being a part of <br />what was formerly West 17th-Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />as vacated by,aaid City by Ordinance Number 3993 dated May 13th, 1963, and <br />more particularly described as follows, to wit: beginning at the Northwest <br />corner of Lot Two (2), in Block Twenty —one (21), in Scarff's Addition- to <br />West Lawn, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; running thence East along <br />and upon the North line of said said Lot Two to the Northeast corner of said <br />Lot Two (2); thence running Northerly on a prolongation of the East line of <br />said Lot Two (2), for a distance of Fourteen (14), feet; thence running <br />West parallel with the North line of said Lot Two (2), to a point on a <br />prolongation of the West line of said Lot Two (2); thence running South on <br />a. prolongation of the West line of said Lot Two (2), for a distance of <br />Fourteen (14) Feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot Two (2), being the <br />point of beginning. <br />