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„ as not wn type above r rs rte. I ring puryases only. <br />�riJn�hi� n-��J FORM 501116 -30011 <br />RETURN TO Farm Credit Services of America, P.O. Box 5080 Kathy Schulte <br />PREPARER: Grand Island, NE 68802 -5080 (800)503 -3276 <br />O <br />HOMESTEAD DESIGNATION DISCLAIMER <br />vO <br />In accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Farm Homestead Protection Act, NI Rev. Start. Sections 76 -1901, et. seq., as a preface to the <br />execution, and as a part of the fallowing Trust Deed, the undersigned Trustorlsl being first duly sworn, elects to Disclaim the Right to Designate <br />aHomestead. <br />I /We disclaim the right to designate a homestead on the property described in the following Trust Deed, No part of my /our homestead is presently, <br />or In the future will be, situated upon said real estate. we understand that it I /we establish a homestead on any part of the real estate during the <br />time the Trust Deed remains unsatisfied and a lien on the real estate, I /we shall have no right to make a designation of homestead in the event of <br />a Trustee's sale. <br />Farm Credit Services of America <br />TRUST DEED AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br />Trustorlsl: <br />SAN -BUHR FARMS INC, a Corporation <br />Mailing Address: <br />13490 S SHADY BEND RD <br />DONIPHAN NE 68832 -9664 <br />This Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Is made September 09 2002, by and among the above named Trustorlsl and <br />whose mailing address is PO Box TAP C5, Spokane, bass i gran 99220 -4005, and Farm Credit Services of America <br />mailing address is 206 S 19th Street, Omaha NE 68102 -1745 in consideration of the a vane y one diary oft e p <br />the receipt of whit is arh n e y�m�ow a ge mstor s nrevocably transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRI <br />for the benefit antl security of Beneficiary its successors and assigns, under and subject to the terms and cond <br />property. located in Hall Coun[yliasl, State of Nebraska, end describetl as follows: <br />NE 1/4, Sec. 23, Twit. 9N, Rge. 9W 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, EXCEPT a tract <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the East Quarter Corner of said <br />Section 23; thence westerly along the South line of the said Northeast Quarter a <br />distance of 475.0 feet; thence northerly, parallel with the East line of said <br />Northeast Quarter a distance of 425.0 feet; thence easterly, parallel with the said <br />South line a distance of 475.0 feet, more or less to a point on the said East line <br />of said Northeast Quarter, thence southerly along the said East line a distance of <br />425.0 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. <br />with all Truster', right, title, and interest in the property, now or <br />rents now on or hereafter placed upon the property; all appurtenances, <br />to rights to possession; all oil, gas, grave, rock, or other minerals of wl <br />'integrally belong to or hereafter become an integral part of the real ran <br />Fonts of any structure or residence secured hereby; easements and r <br />or nonappurtenant to the property. <br />bureau, Instrumentality, or agency <br />the <br />crops, and <br />:a. Income. <br />It is underst ood and agreed between Trustorlsl and Beneficiary that this Trust Dead is given to secure the repayment in full of the fallowing described <br />mi <br />prosso a <br />promissory equip), d all future and additional loans or advances, protective or otherwise, which may be made by Beneficiary, at Its option, at <br />the request of, and to or for the account of Trustorlsl, or any of them, for any purpose, plus interest thereon, all payable according to the terms <br />of the notelsl or other instrument(s) modifying the same. <br />Date <br />59Moff Note Princiaunt <br />09/09/2002 8360,600800.0000 <br />PR <br />This Trust Deed will be due March 01 2015. <br />not <br />Trustodel hereby warrants that Treaters) holds fee simple title to the above described property, that Timbered has good and lawful authority to <br />deed and encumber the same, that the property Is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except encumbrances of record, and that Trustogs) <br />will warrant and defend the property, at Trustorlsl expense, against all claimants whomsoever. Trustorlsl also hereby waives and relinquishes all <br />rights of dower, homestead, distributive share, and exemption in and to the above described property. <br />This trust deed secures more than one note. In the event of default under any note, all notes will be considered to be in default and the Beneficiary <br />may exercise the remedies provided herein in satisfaction of all notes. <br />Trustorlsl and each of them further covenants and agrees with Beneficiary as follows: <br />1. To pay all hens, judgments, or other assessments against the property, and to pay when due all assessments, taxes, rents, fees, or charges upon <br />Ap N: 00265387; Primary Customer ID N: 00100449; CIF N: 103461 Legal Doc. Date: September 09, 2002 <br />FORM 5011, Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 1 <br />Job <br />m <br />N <br />C <br />n <br />n <br />z <br />x <br />M <br />N <br />N <br />r <br />LL <br />n <br />S <br />;n <br />c <br />O <br />r <br />OLD Ch <br />N <br />200209821 <br />0 <br />„ as not wn type above r rs rte. I ring puryases only. <br />�riJn�hi� n-��J FORM 501116 -30011 <br />RETURN TO Farm Credit Services of America, P.O. Box 5080 Kathy Schulte <br />PREPARER: Grand Island, NE 68802 -5080 (800)503 -3276 <br />O <br />HOMESTEAD DESIGNATION DISCLAIMER <br />vO <br />In accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Farm Homestead Protection Act, NI Rev. Start. Sections 76 -1901, et. seq., as a preface to the <br />execution, and as a part of the fallowing Trust Deed, the undersigned Trustorlsl being first duly sworn, elects to Disclaim the Right to Designate <br />aHomestead. <br />I /We disclaim the right to designate a homestead on the property described in the following Trust Deed, No part of my /our homestead is presently, <br />or In the future will be, situated upon said real estate. we understand that it I /we establish a homestead on any part of the real estate during the <br />time the Trust Deed remains unsatisfied and a lien on the real estate, I /we shall have no right to make a designation of homestead in the event of <br />a Trustee's sale. <br />Farm Credit Services of America <br />TRUST DEED AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br />Trustorlsl: <br />SAN -BUHR FARMS INC, a Corporation <br />Mailing Address: <br />13490 S SHADY BEND RD <br />DONIPHAN NE 68832 -9664 <br />This Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Is made September 09 2002, by and among the above named Trustorlsl and <br />whose mailing address is PO Box TAP C5, Spokane, bass i gran 99220 -4005, and Farm Credit Services of America <br />mailing address is 206 S 19th Street, Omaha NE 68102 -1745 in consideration of the a vane y one diary oft e p <br />the receipt of whit is arh n e y�m�ow a ge mstor s nrevocably transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRI <br />for the benefit antl security of Beneficiary its successors and assigns, under and subject to the terms and cond <br />property. located in Hall Coun[yliasl, State of Nebraska, end describetl as follows: <br />NE 1/4, Sec. 23, Twit. 9N, Rge. 9W 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, EXCEPT a tract <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the East Quarter Corner of said <br />Section 23; thence westerly along the South line of the said Northeast Quarter a <br />distance of 475.0 feet; thence northerly, parallel with the East line of said <br />Northeast Quarter a distance of 425.0 feet; thence easterly, parallel with the said <br />South line a distance of 475.0 feet, more or less to a point on the said East line <br />of said Northeast Quarter, thence southerly along the said East line a distance of <br />425.0 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. <br />with all Truster', right, title, and interest in the property, now or <br />rents now on or hereafter placed upon the property; all appurtenances, <br />to rights to possession; all oil, gas, grave, rock, or other minerals of wl <br />'integrally belong to or hereafter become an integral part of the real ran <br />Fonts of any structure or residence secured hereby; easements and r <br />or nonappurtenant to the property. <br />bureau, Instrumentality, or agency <br />the <br />crops, and <br />:a. Income. <br />It is underst ood and agreed between Trustorlsl and Beneficiary that this Trust Dead is given to secure the repayment in full of the fallowing described <br />mi <br />prosso a <br />promissory equip), d all future and additional loans or advances, protective or otherwise, which may be made by Beneficiary, at Its option, at <br />the request of, and to or for the account of Trustorlsl, or any of them, for any purpose, plus interest thereon, all payable according to the terms <br />of the notelsl or other instrument(s) modifying the same. <br />Date <br />59Moff Note Princiaunt <br />09/09/2002 8360,600800.0000 <br />PR <br />This Trust Deed will be due March 01 2015. <br />not <br />Trustodel hereby warrants that Treaters) holds fee simple title to the above described property, that Timbered has good and lawful authority to <br />deed and encumber the same, that the property Is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except encumbrances of record, and that Trustogs) <br />will warrant and defend the property, at Trustorlsl expense, against all claimants whomsoever. Trustorlsl also hereby waives and relinquishes all <br />rights of dower, homestead, distributive share, and exemption in and to the above described property. <br />This trust deed secures more than one note. In the event of default under any note, all notes will be considered to be in default and the Beneficiary <br />may exercise the remedies provided herein in satisfaction of all notes. <br />Trustorlsl and each of them further covenants and agrees with Beneficiary as follows: <br />1. To pay all hens, judgments, or other assessments against the property, and to pay when due all assessments, taxes, rents, fees, or charges upon <br />Ap N: 00265387; Primary Customer ID N: 00100449; CIF N: 103461 Legal Doc. Date: September 09, 2002 <br />FORM 5011, Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 1 <br />