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200209793 <br />I will make my periodic payments at ..... 110112th,Sirggt AUrorB, N8BB81G_ ......... ....... .. „,............. <br />.............................................................................................. ............................... <br />............................................................................. ............................... I ................ <br />.................. . _.. _ _.................... . or at a different place if required by the Note Holder. <br />IN B. FUNDS FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE <br />Uniform Covenant 3 of the Security Instrument is waived by Lender. <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained <br />this Payment Rider. <br />G kBLE� BER TS <br />.. ....... ........ <br />JENNIFER HOFFMANN XLBERTS <br />F1 <br />.4 . <br />Benkem SVS,em, 11C.. 51, Cloud, MN Poem MPFB -PB 81492000 (pag¢ 2 of 1Oag¢51 <br />