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200209786 <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, with the centerlihe of said <br />twenty (20.0) foot wide strip of land being more particularly described <br />as follows: Referring to the Southwest corner of above said Lot Three <br />(3) and assuming the South line of said lot as bearing N89 034'21 "E <br />and all bearings contained herein are relative thereto; thence <br />N89 034'21 "E on said South line a distance of fifty two and five tenths <br />(52.5) feet; thence N25051 '24"E, a distance of eighty eight and seven <br />hundredths (88.07) feet; thence N83 025'34 "E, a distance of three <br />hundred forty two and fifteen hundredths (342.15) feet to the <br />ACTUAL PLACE OF BEGINNING, said place of beginning being on the <br />centerline of said twenty (20.0) foot wide strip of land; thence <br />N06 034'26 "W, a distance of eighty (80.0) feet; thence N83 025'34 "E, <br />a distance of thirty eight and fifteen hundredths (38.15) feet; thence <br />N08`29'43 "E, a distance of one hundred forty three and sixty three <br />hundredths (143.63) feet; thence N10 030'17 "W, a distance of one <br />hundred eighty four and forty one hundredths (184.41) feet; thence <br />N39051 '35"E, a distance of seventy seven and fourteen hundredths <br />(77.14) feet; thence N00030'1 7"W, a distance of one hundred <br />eighteen and ninety four hundredths (118.94) feet; thence <br />N89 °29'43 "E, a distance of eighteen (18.0) feet; thence <br />N09 °29'43 "E, a distance of two hundred twenty six and twenty eight <br />hundredths (226.28) feet; thence N83 °28'26 "W, a distance of eighty <br />and fifty hundredths (80.50) feet; thence N20030'1 7"W, a distance of <br />two hundred forty seven and fifty seven hundredths (247.57) feet; <br />thence N52 024'34 "W, a distance of one hundred twenty seven and <br />sixty hundredths (127.60) feet; thence S89 °29'43 "W, a distance of <br />sixty five and nineteen hundredths (65.19) feet; thence <br />S59 029'43 "W, a distance of one hundred seventy (170.0) <br />feet; thence S89 °33'43 "W, a distance of fifty and twenty seven <br />hundredths (50.27) feet to the point of termination, said point being <br />on the East line of a thirty (30.0) foot wide Utility Easement and one <br />hundred eighty one and five hundredths (181.05) feet South of the <br />North line of said Lot Four (4). <br />The above - described easements containing a combined total of 1.52 <br />acres, more or less, as shown on the plat dated 8/22/2002, marked <br />Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, <br />together with the following rights: <br />Grantee shall have unrestricted ingress and egress to the above- described <br />easement and right -of -way for any purpose necessary for the surveying, <br />construction, inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, relocation, extension, <br />3- <br />