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SEP 07 2002 11:07 FR WELLS ACCOUNT REP 402 536 2037 TO 913083828340 P.04 <br />200209783 <br />C. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE <br />REVOCABLE TRUST. <br />Uniform Covenant 18 of the Security Instrument is amended to read as follows: <br />Transfer of the Property or a Benefrtiat Interest in Revocable Trust. <br />If, without Iender's prior written Consent. (i) all or any part of the Property or an interest in <br />the Property is sold or transferred or (ii) dim is a sale, transfer. assigmnent or other disposition of any <br />beneficial fi retest in the Revocable Trust, Lender tray, at its option, require immediate payment in Hill of <br />all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if <br />exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. <br />If Lander exercises this option, Lender shall give the Rormwer notice of acceleration. The <br />notice shall provide a period of not less dtao 30 days from the date the notice is given in accordaluce with <br />Section 15 within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security hstmmatt. If Borrower fails <br />to pay these sums prior to Elie expiration of this period, Lender may invoke my remedies permitted by this <br />Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, 01e Revocable Trost Trustee(s) accepts and agrees to the limits and covenants <br />contained in thiss IInttr Vivooss ,Revocable Trust Rider. <br />OHM R WOOIDWARD F14MMCE 8 WOODWARD <br />Trustee of the Trued A taflrlrrWAlir Trustee of the nnAAwrst A WM TMARD <br />IF —AAT.n TinfgT AAOM.ARTR TARCT <br />Trust under trust instrument dated Trust under trust instrument dated <br />Trrw 99 1900 , for the 1i11rR 79 F 1999" , for the <br />benefit of mRN R WOODWARD benefit of FLORMC8 E WOODWARD <br />- fNrmx. - g000avr <br />M-37211 199121 Page 3 of 3 <br />** TOTAL PAGE.04 ** <br />