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SEP 07 2002 11:06 FR WELLS ACCOUNT REP 402 536 2037 TO 913083828340 P.02 <br />0832667 <br />200209783 <br />INTER VIVOS REVOCABLE TRUST RIDER <br />DEFTNITIONS USED IN THIS RIDER. <br />(A) "Revocable Trust -" The JOHN H WOODWARD REVOCABLE TRUST AND FLORENCE <br />E WOODWARD REVOCABLE TRUST Trust created under trust instrument <br />dated JUNE 22, 1999 , for the benefit of JOHN H WOODWARD AND FLORENCE <br />B WOODWARD <br />(13) 'Revocable Trust Tnistee(s)." JOHN H WOODWARD ARD FLORENCE E WOODWARD <br />o uslee(s) Of the Revocable Trust. <br />(C) "Revocable Trust Settlor(s)." JOHN H WOODWARD Ate FLORENCE E WOODWARD <br />settlor(s) of the Revocable Trust signing below, <br />(D) "lender." <br />WELLS FARGO ROME MORTGAGE, TMC- <br />(E) "Security Instrument." The Deed of Trust, Mortgage or SeLVrity Deed and any riders thereto <br />of the sable data as this Rider given to secure the Note to Leader of the same daze made by the Revocable <br />Trust, the Revocable Trust Trustee(s) and the Revocable Trust Settlor(s) and any other natural persons <br />sinning such Now and covering Ole Property (as defined below). <br />(P) 'Property." The property described In the Security hismirmat and located at: <br />128 ANiL-R AVE, DOHMPHAN, MR 66832 <br />THIS INTER VIVOS REVOCABLE TRUST RIDER is made this 9TH day of <br />SEPTEMBER, 1002 , and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and <br />supplement the Security Instrument. <br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in Me Security <br />Instrument, the Revocable Trust Tnistee(s), and the Revocable Trust Sewor(s) and the Lender further <br />covenant and agree as follows: <br />A. INTER VIVOS REVOCABLE TRUST. <br />I. CERTIFICATION AND WARRANTIES OF REVOCABLE TRUST TRUSTEE(S). <br />The Revocable Trust Trustee(s) certify to Lender that the Revocable Trust is an inter vivo6 <br />revocable trust for which the Revocable Trust Trustee(s) Me holding full tide to the Property as t ust (s). <br />MULTISTATE INTER VIVOS REVOCABjLEE TRUST RIDER 11 w <br />�W2fl 199121 �Y 12199) Illlllltl al lllllllIIII IIII IIII <br />Page 1 of 3 Initials _�°' <br />VMP MORTGAGE FORMS - 18001521 -7291 <br />