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NEIR -Ji UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE <br />Form sD STATEMENTS OF CONTINUATION, PARTIAL RELEASE, ASSIGNMENT, ETC. <br />INSTRUCTIONS <br />I. PLEASE TYPE this form. <br />2. Remove Secured Pally and Debtor copies and send other 3 copies wish metal carbon paper In the filing officer. <br />3. Enclose filing feels), and fill In original Financing Statement number and date filet. <br />a. If the space provided for any Ipul lsl on the form is inadequate the der l should be .continued on additional shoats, preferably 5 "xX "or 0 "a 10". <br />Only on copy of such additional sheets need be presented to the filing officer with a set of tlgee copies of this form, Long schMUlx of <br />collateral etc., may be on any size paper that is convenient for the secured party. Indicate the number of atlditiatul shore Impeled. <br />5. If collateral is crops or goods which a r re to become fixtures, describe generally the real estate and go" name of racxd Owmr. <br />6. At the time of filing, filing officer wi0 return third copy as an acknowledgement. <br />This STATEMENT Is mesemed to a 'ding officer for <br />/ L Dehtodsl (Last Name I and admasleal <br />�J I�/ C� QO <br />I/3Ia��o N, f%ftCJ —'%L <br />oil Zs IlI llifL bym <br />a. This stater <br />Filed with <br />tiling pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code'. MaWrity 3. data lit offs, <br />2 Secured Ponylisel and address(nl Far Filing Office, (Dec.. Time xM <br />A / r / 2 1. Z4 /-Q kz'l Office) <br />Gli� 1 1G,bt. / 6kid <br />200209777 <br />1 bearing File No. <br />e Piles_ % —/� <br />s Continuous— U The original financing statement between the foregoing Debtor and Secured Party. bearing file number show above, is still elfectell <br />6. Termination. Secured party no longer claims a security interex under the financing shamans bearing file number shown above. <br />7. Assignment. The secured all right under the financing statement bearing file number shown above to the property described in Item 10 Mve <br />Wen a signed to the assignee whose name and address ppears In Item 10. <br />B. Q Amendment Fin neon, Statement bearers, file number shown above is ended a t forth in Item 10, <br />9 Q Release, ( Secured Par,, releases 1M collapsed described in Item 10 from the sfinancing xalement hearing file number shown above, <br />1fl �.��f r—( .����i �� �vf L�of a�g �rl <br />fo+I , o{' Lof -1 BukrmQ/11l JLhGflb�lSlo/� <br />by'. <br />Sgnaturso of Deblorlsl Inecesary only if Item Xis applicable). <br />Slgruturil l of Secured Partyl ail <br />111 folio 011lpr— Xendul —NIIN, W file, llli[x— ANWMtIUI— Inp.111 flliel NIiNI— kkpMallexpl —WNR, N) FIN WII— kIM —MaL1A fib Lpl— SOlYbN1 —kll <br />