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NERR ucc UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE <br />Form 50 STATEMENTS OF CONTINUATION, PARTIAL RELEASE, ASSIGNMENT, ETC. <br />INSTRUCTIONS <br />T PLEASE TYPE in, loan. <br />]. Remove Secured Party and Debtor copies and send other S copies with interleaved carbon Paper s0 the fi0ng Offkx. <br />J. Enclose filing feels). and fill In original Financing Statement number and date filed <br />4. If the space provided for any ItemW on the form is IPadeousa the itemisl should be continued on additional shwss, preferably 5 "rill"call°a 10". <br />Only one copy of such additional sneers need be Presented to the filing officer with a set of three supper of this form. Long xMdulw of <br />collateral, etc., may be p any nor aNpx that is convenient for the secured Party. lesions the number of additional sheet! a atchad. <br />5 If collateral is ropy or goods wNCM1 e r e to become Implies. describe generally the reel exae xW giye name of recd d psvnar. <br />6. At the time of filing, filirp officer will return third copy as an acknovelaa"eem. <br />This STATEMENT is Peaened to a filing officer for filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code: 3. Main., date Of sells: <br />///��� t UeMm Is) ILad Name First) and addressles) T d Perry(.! I and ddreeles) For Filirp Oilkx (Date. Time arM Filing <br />I� 1 �Iy� 1� OL� 1� D1hce1 <br />Lnl C,0 3a llll /.�JI ' /Vla� 5� IJAL -fU' h1Y �r11gV3/ rdl - �?O. Box aao <br />n <br />4. Teri, aaleme9(}�{/1 tfa�rs� toy <br />Filad with J�L'KLl <br />hexing <br />200209770 <br />Cwnu uano�./ The original financing statement between the TOregoing Debtor and Secured Party, baring lilt number shown above s still effective. <br />fi T rm nalion.Jl Secured party n0 longer claims a security interest under the financing slalemanl bearing file numbx shown above. <br />Assignment The secured party's right under the financing statement hexing use number shown ¢hove Io Ibe Properly described In I'M 10 have <br />been aesigned to the assignee whose name and address appears in Item Ill. <br />0 U Amendment. Financing Statement bearing file number shown above is a mended as set forth ill Item 10 . <br />g. Q Relm Secured Party ieleasw the collateral disputed In hem 10 from the financing patterns, bearing file number shown above. <br />0- SO k co2cl <br />) <br />/ No, of addiliaul Shan paxnad: <br />by'. <br />Sigrilunld of Deblois) (.chary only a Ile. g a appliuMel. <br />Signamrebi Of Securas Partyllwl <br />(1) thus Offigur — Nni — Wi 011111"Mier— DeMlalal— Crag, DI HIM Milan — MYaala4el l—WwN.(I)Fib CMI— getlar— Risk (1) Ill. all fig Nr Pall) —gW <br />