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NFRR UCC UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE <br />Fri, w STATEMENTS OF CONTINUATION, PARTIAL RELEASE, ASSIGNMENT, ETC. <br />INSTRUCTIONS <br />t. PLEASE TYPE this form. <br />2 Remove Secured Party and Debtor copies and and other 3 copies with Interleaved carbon Paper no the filing olfror. <br />3. Enclose filing feels). and tall in original Financing Statement number and date filetl. <br />9. If the space provided for any Itembl on the form Is madehuste the itemisl should W wntinueE on additional stets, preferably Tay -o Te 10". <br />Only one copy of such additional sheets need he presented to the filing officer with a set of three copier of this form. Long eMMUIn of <br />collateral, etc., may he on any site pap0 that is he merit for the secured party. Indicate the number of additional[ shena attached. <br />5. If collateral Is -, m goods which a are roc become insures. demribe generally the Inl Mate Mtl give Mme of rFprd Owlrer. <br />6. At the time o1 filin, filing officer will return third copy as an acknowledgement. <br />TLn STATEMENT is presented to a filmy ulhcer for filing pursuant to the Uniform Commeeol Code: I 3. Maturity date lit aryl: <br />f 1. Debmild sti Name F-0 and addressed <br />rrancasc.c� I YYII � <br />,x,15 CP�ero <br />9. This statement refers fers Y to <br />filetl wish .1 -2 '1 <br />2. Secured Pntylhol and addresslesl <br />YlorthWowfe, 2 <br />515 �V! M- PoAds6ja <br />bearing File <br />Officelrrq vrrrcn cane, tame wa I off <br />200209769 <br />5. Q Conhnuaiomll <br />The original financing statement betwnn the fajboing Debtor and Sell °any. having file number stalwart above, is win of ectlre. <br />6 Te.minalion. V <br />Secued Paly no longer claims a aNurns, intent under the linaneing staenni bnrirg file number shown allows. <br />I Asaignmanb <br />The secured parties right Under the linaneing statement heeling file number dawn above to the Properly dexriWd In Item 10 Nw <br />been assigned to the assignee whose name nd address ppear n Item 10. <br />s <br />nshown <br />8 Q Amendment. <br />Financing Statement bearing file number above is a ended as of forth in Item 10. <br />11 Q Release. <br />Secured Pasty releases the collateral described In Item 10 from the financing slaament bearing file number drown above <br />10. lot L �I k I hale RQUSh ZtyJ s�- <br />by <br />sgrotorelsl of Cornelis) Inecestary only if Item 8 is applivai . <br />111 FIIIN Rflev— Gavrlern 1b. 111 Fill" gnker —Hefei I— gene. 0f Flllal Nfiev— GGn1alRaNat —GYO. 111 Hie Gq— Gkkr —F [ANN GN— GewMFatp —gaM <br />