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NEER UCC UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE <br />Form 50 STATEMENTS OF CONTINUATION, PARTIAL RELEASE, ASSIGNMENT, ETC. <br />INSTRUCTIONS <br />1. PLEASE TYPE this farm. <br />1. Remove Secured Party and Debtor copies and and other 3 copies with interleaved carban paper, to the filing Officer. <br />3. Enclose filing held, and fill in original Financing Statement number and date filed <br />a. It he spare provided son any itemld on the form is pnedeguate he Ilemel should be .continued on additional Illxu, prefenay V . V or 0" a 10". <br />Only o copy of such additional sheet, need be preserved m the filing officer with a ,et of three copies of this fpm. Long «hedul« of <br />collateral, et, may be on any size pagr that If convenient for the secured party. Indicate the number of eWitlPMl ,hM, afl «had. <br />5. it collateral 's Cropt or goods which a, .,a to become If emres. de c.ibe generally he real seen, and airs rums of r «ors owmr. <br />S At me time of filing, filing officer will return third copy n an acknowledgement. - <br />This STATEMENT is Presented to a filing officer far Filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code I 3. MaWrd, data hl <br />l�I. Castorls) (Las, Name First l and addmales) 2, Secured Parry I d derenfia) <br />e�phvm✓r�- I nl�nta,WPa&VL_ <br />OO Od3 V✓ _3 Bas FLU <br />AZ�_ 151aAd &C Ili I CAA1A - i nE iii <br />E. This <br />Filed <br />balling <br />Filed. <br />antl <br />200209766 <br />5 ccQY zsdn sign /J The on9�nal financing statement helwYm the f�6mg Oebtos and Secured Party. Dearing ble number drown above, is still effecliaa. <br />b�TOminaliOn. Secured party no longer claims a security ioeresl under he financing statement Geeing file number shown above. <br />Assignment The stturM patty's right under the financing statement bearing file number drown above to IM properly described in Item 10 held <br />been initiated to the assignee whose n and adore appear n Item to. <br />8 Q Amendment Financing Statement bearing file number shown anon, it amended a t harm In Item lo. <br />9 Q Releae. Secured Par, rNeaws the collateral decribed in Item 10 from me as sLLement Gassing file number ended Miles. <br />ti <br />Lo 14 PI h <br />5.3 Ark6- C <br />8ao15 <br />qrd <br />a <br />1 <br />neat <br />1�t 4 <br />Bev, is S' <br />by by <br />Sagnativeld of Oebtmis) lnec«sary only if hem a i, applpuael. SsaulOralat of Secured re nible, <br />11) Flliq Officer— Xaxdul— White, (f) fill« OXlen— MPbeMlcel —sane, IA lilt« 011iess— Rlaaalelpe,eM —Gaga, (e) file leai Mai aw IG File GR— Serval POIF —OMI <br />