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NEER -UCC UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE <br />Form 50 STATEMENTS OF CONTINUATION, PARTIAL RELEASE, ASSIGNMENT. ETC. <br />INSTRUCTIONS <br />1. PLEASE TYPE this form. <br />2. Remove Secured Parry and Debtor copies and send other 3 copies with interleaved carbon Wpm to IM fabp officer. <br />3. Enclose filing feelsl, and fill in original Financing Statement number and date flied . <br />a If the space prom for any nemis) on the form i1 madenune the iteml.l should be semiretired Pn additional 1Bwn, met ..bly 5"a W " or i or 10 ". <br />Only on copy of such additional sheets need h Presented to the filing officer with a NI of three copies of this form. Long saludvl« of <br />Coll.ha le role.. may be on any eiae paper has 11 scnvenions for the secured aty. IMiOte the number of additional slas att «hW. <br />5. If collateral is crops or goods which are e to become textures, dpi generally the real all and give amp of r«ord ownO. <br />6. AI the Jere of filing . filing officer wills retum third cony as an acknosvIW, <br />This STATEMENT is presented to a Nino oOmer for filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code <br />p t. OebmrlsI (Lmt Name First) and socia lesl 2 Sewed Provision) nd forestall <br />a � F. ix)&ZL- 5is W. 3 ,-d - lea <br />/I-da„ -J TIC.. - tl Al, lVC7ty —✓j_.J T - l_ .e A <br />3. Maturity clan lit <br />nod Filing <br />200209763 <br />E. This slafemepry piers t iginal F g Sta mem bearing File No. 1 / <br />py nab <br />F h Ko(%.f/f(42A OF 170 /�S oala Filed �9 <br />5 eCommaanpp The original financing statement Between me toregnr Ixbm, ar.e s.carea P„ro. bearing foe humor mmYn ono«, is <bn eN«n<.. <br />fi. <br />Termination. Secured Party no loi claims a rai thereof under the trouncing statement bearing file number shown oboe. <br />Assignment The secured Perry 's rlghl under the financing statement Force, file n mbn i.,—. aBPVe th IM gopmtY desoibed in Info 10 hew <br />often assigned to the ass, whose a and address ppears in Item 10, <br />8 Q Amendment. Financing Statement hearing file r mbemshow, above is ended a t forth in Item 10, <br />9. Q Neleaw. Secured Party releases the collateral descrioed in Item 10 from the sfinancing slatment bearing file number Shown above. <br />10. Lo�- I . ' s <br />by by: .LXJCAJ J / \ . <br />Signal—le) of Debtmisl Instantly only if hem 8 i1 alePlluWd. Sigahimill of Secured frogn iN <br />PI Flliag officer - gnnleal - Wbite, 111 fill" Fallen- Nphaski -Imp, DI Fillet Oil.- kbnlNpeNl- gaerp, l41 Me gNi-galbr -Pi IN NN gap -Mmet P.M -MN <br />