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NE9F LICC UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE <br />Form 50 STATEMENTS OF CONTINUATION, PARTIAL RELEASE, ASSIGNMENT, ETC. <br />INSTRUCTIONS <br />I. PLEASE TYPE this form. <br />2. Femore See uretl Party and Debtor cagier and seM other 3 copies wish mreleared carbon pap, 1. the filing of/rover, <br />3. Enclose filing feels), and fill in original Financing Statement number and data tiled <br />of If the space provided for any iterrrlsl on he form is inadequate the itemisl should be continued on additional tNeax. poshrably 5 "aB "Ingi 10 ". <br />Only on copy of such additional sheets need be presented to the filing officer with a set of those coplas of this form. Long lrkduln of <br />collateral se etc., may M o any size papa that is composed for the secured party. Indicate the number of additioMl alreats •Raphad. <br />5. It collateral Is roy or funds which are r art us become, fiatmes, describe generally the real estate and ease normal of tee0rd cwMr. <br />fi At Ilse nice of c filing, filing officer will return bind copy as an acknowledgement, <br />This STATEMENT is Presented to a Idmg officer For filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code: <br />`I. Debmrlsl ILast N \ame_F�ntl tladdresslesl 2 and Parry(iesl anddaaddresslesl <br />1 Y �LII�YIQT � 11ULIIRl_L11I/ �DI�W%/�I PiIJ/L- <br />n4i� N WGLU1Llllb 5i5 v4i ,i Po. 6)" 310 <br />n��aU3 Gana) 15fi ni, Wo ik <br />0, Th., "amm"ey{5prefers t iginaI F g St teen /e I hexing File No. <br />Filed won 1 AY �X.�e✓ 0 �n��apara FOed <br />3. Maturity data fif ai <br />Olfice l <br />Pon Fillip Officer (Date, Time and <br />200209757 <br />s LJ eontlneail The original financing statement between me Impmng Debtor and Secured ^arty. hexing file number shown awse, is stiff specimens. <br />I�To1prossidam. Secured Party no longer claims a <br />' security merst under the financing statement bearing m. number snow ebee <br />z Q Asignment. The secured courts right under the financing statement hearing file number clown aboe, to the property dxeriba <br />d in Norm to bas <br />been asngetl <br />to the asspnee whose name and address appears In Item 10. <br />9 Q Amendment. Financing Statement bearing file number nshown above ended a set forth in Item m. <br />9. Q Felea Secured Party releases the collateral dewnbea m Ilem 10 from the as s ement bearing file number shown abmor. <br />to Icf 14L L�J�mak-T <br />by <br />SgnamelA of Debtor(,) Insessaty ally if Item 5 if aoGlieaWN. <br />No. of <br />Sgrwtoralsl of Secured Postponed, <br />111 f11iY RII[x— Naaxrieal— Nllb.lit FIIIY e0krt— NNNakal —irNk DI f111Y Rliex- 41aslaliaxM —Geax, 10 fib iYl— ieNx —HaL 1A Ma ia11 -4ewN Farb -4N <br />