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NESS ucc UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE <br />Form 50 STATEMENTS OF CONTINUATION, PARTIAL RELEASE, ASSIGNMENT, ETC. <br />INSTRUCTIONS <br />1. PLEASE TYPE this '-on <br />3. Rem - Secured Party and Debtor copies and send other 3 conies with phonared orbon paper to tors filirp o10cer. <br />3. Enclose bong lei add till In original Financing Statement number and date filed. <br />a. If the space Pownled for any depri on the form is inadequate the itemisl should a continued on additional sheet. PrdegMV 5 "• It" or 8 "a10 <br />Only one copy of moor aaddimel ghats need the Presented to the filing -title' with a set of three copies of this lam. Long fN .w of <br />colateral, etc., me, Ed on any Sias Fisher that is convenient for me secured Party- Indicate tM number of additional 0M11 attadnd. <br />5. II collateral is crops er goods which are or a e m baome fidnio g, describe gne1a11Y the real estate and gi,. name of dhAd1 p1Vna. <br />6. AI the time% al filing, filing office, will ratan third cop, as an acknowledgement. <br />This STATEMENT is presented to a filing officer for filing propound to the Uniform Commercial CWe: 9. MasudtY data of sell' <br />1. Debtwh) ii Name Firs,) and adNenlasl 2 See etl parrylirel end address(.) For Filing Officer (Dee. Time and Filing <br />� �, Ofecel <br />lt/ , lV01mW�f2.ti/L_ <br />j <br />7L � w vl fiY'L 515 ln/ 3r�'- 1J <br />of �1 c a <br />�1l 200209758 <br />C. This tlaneprofdnj refers to original Fln` Ing Statement bearing File <br />Fled won _ <br />5. ❑ Con mail -n TM1e - rigngl financing suvmem between the foregoing Chlboo <br />inauu emmt hearing file n mbar sM1mr ' rf sti8 eflatira. <br />G. Thernm bon. Secured party no longer claims a security intent under t Stop 9 ^ <br />I amgnmenL The red Party, right under tM1e linannrp R.ement bearing lila number shown abpre tp IM1e Property dMbrilNd in Item 10 hi <br />been Investors to the assigns whose name and Adres aoaas in Imm 10. <br />H Q Amendment Financing Statement hearing stile number shown above ii mended a set forh In Item 10. <br />9. Q Pelee Secured Parry relent. the collateral describetl in hem 10 from the as syb'emem be.in9 Ills n mbar shown abort. <br />bit <br />9gMtual 01 Debtorhl (necessary ANY it Item a is <br />by 8a of oL 'I l � O 4 -f�� <br />&"condd of Seoul purylisel <br />(1)Filiq Officer — Isalarhal -1 ila,(0) Fillet Wis.— glskka0ad— gnu, 111 FlllalN Wa— kkaadalgmd— gsaap. NI NO OMI— Mkr— PIakMfIN011F— Sattaal Falb—gaM <br />