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ORDINANCE NO. 8763 <br />/'SSo <br />An ordinance to vacate a portion of an existing easement and right -of -way located <br />in a part of Lot Eighteen (18), Holcomb's Highway Homes Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska; to provide for filing this ordinance in the office of the Register of Deeds <br />of Hall County; and to provide for publication and the effective dale of this ordinance. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />GRANDISLAND,NEBRASKA: <br />SECTION 1. That a portion of the existing easement mid right -of -way located in a <br />part of Lot Eighteen (18), Holcomb's Highway Homes Addition to the city of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows, is hereby vacated: <br />Referring to the southeast comer of Lot Eighteen (18), IIolcomb's Highway <br />Homes Addition; thence west on the south line of Lot Eighteen (18) for a distance <br />of Twenty Six and Five Tenths (26.5) feet; thence N01024'05 "W a distance of <br />Twenty and Forty Seven Hundredths (20.47) feet; thence N88 °36'00 "E a distance <br />of Eighteen and Five Tenths (18.5) feet to the Actual Point of Beginning; thence <br />N01024'05 "W a distance of Eighteen and Seventy Nine Hundredths (18.79) feet; <br />thence N88 °36'00 "E a distance of Six (6.0) feet; thence SOI'24'00 "E a distance of <br />Eighteen and Seventy Nine Iundredths (18.79) feet; thence S88036'00 "W a <br />Approved as to Form <br />September 6. 2002 •City AXOmey <br />ra <br />O <br />= <br />N <br />O <br />y ot7'W t <br />m <br />O <br />S <br />pp <br />to `� z c <br />rl <br />o. to f] <br />aK d <br />In <br />m <br />3 <br />ry <br />z ^ <br />—= <br />la! <br />re <br />R <br />O <br />This Space Reserved for Register of Deeds ` <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8763 <br />/'SSo <br />An ordinance to vacate a portion of an existing easement and right -of -way located <br />in a part of Lot Eighteen (18), Holcomb's Highway Homes Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska; to provide for filing this ordinance in the office of the Register of Deeds <br />of Hall County; and to provide for publication and the effective dale of this ordinance. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />GRANDISLAND,NEBRASKA: <br />SECTION 1. That a portion of the existing easement mid right -of -way located in a <br />part of Lot Eighteen (18), Holcomb's Highway Homes Addition to the city of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows, is hereby vacated: <br />Referring to the southeast comer of Lot Eighteen (18), IIolcomb's Highway <br />Homes Addition; thence west on the south line of Lot Eighteen (18) for a distance <br />of Twenty Six and Five Tenths (26.5) feet; thence N01024'05 "W a distance of <br />Twenty and Forty Seven Hundredths (20.47) feet; thence N88 °36'00 "E a distance <br />of Eighteen and Five Tenths (18.5) feet to the Actual Point of Beginning; thence <br />N01024'05 "W a distance of Eighteen and Seventy Nine Hundredths (18.79) feet; <br />thence N88 °36'00 "E a distance of Six (6.0) feet; thence SOI'24'00 "E a distance of <br />Eighteen and Seventy Nine Iundredths (18.79) feet; thence S88036'00 "W a <br />Approved as to Form <br />September 6. 2002 •City AXOmey <br />