to Bank of Doniphan
<br />benefit or Rank of Doniphan Trustee for the
<br />Beneficiary the
<br />named (herein dated prT , and recorded In the office of the
<br />Register or Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska ,7hR$ob'k As Instrum%pt
<br />.PYlld 98- 103186th. Trust Deed Records of said County has been paid, and said Beneficlery has requested In waling that the
<br />Deed of Reconveyance, be executed and delivered.
<br />NOW THEREFORE, In consideration of such payment and In accordance with the request of the Bereficlary named therein. The
<br />undersigned as Trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, release and reconvey to the person or persons entitled (hereto all the
<br />Interest and estate dedved to said Trustee by or through said Dead of Trust In the following described property:
<br />Lot Five (5), Block Three (3), Replat of Riverside Acres, An Addition to tl
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Property Address: 2605 Cottonwood Rd.
<br />Grand Island, NE 68801
<br />TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings, fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances belonging to such premises.
<br />DATED Sept. 12, 2002 11 t t
<br />, Exec. Vice - President
<br />STATE OF Nebraska
<br />COUNTY OF Hall as.
<br />On this _..12th day of Sept. 2002 hero,. me, the undersigned, a Nelery Public in end for aaid
<br />state, personalty appeared Jon Heath
<br />Trustee, to me known to be the identical person named In and who executed the foregoin Inst en6 antl acknowledged That he
<br />executed the same as his voluntary act and dead. / /
<br />V r�x
<br />Vm Jro; 2DW
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<br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the Indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust executed by
<br />Daniel
<br />J
<br />and Lisa
<br />Rae
<br />to Bank of Doniphan
<br />benefit or Rank of Doniphan Trustee for the
<br />Beneficiary the
<br />named (herein dated prT , and recorded In the office of the
<br />Register or Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska ,7hR$ob'k As Instrum%pt
<br />.PYlld 98- 103186th. Trust Deed Records of said County has been paid, and said Beneficlery has requested In waling that the
<br />Deed of Reconveyance, be executed and delivered.
<br />NOW THEREFORE, In consideration of such payment and In accordance with the request of the Bereficlary named therein. The
<br />undersigned as Trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, release and reconvey to the person or persons entitled (hereto all the
<br />Interest and estate dedved to said Trustee by or through said Dead of Trust In the following described property:
<br />Lot Five (5), Block Three (3), Replat of Riverside Acres, An Addition to tl
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Property Address: 2605 Cottonwood Rd.
<br />Grand Island, NE 68801
<br />TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings, fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances belonging to such premises.
<br />DATED Sept. 12, 2002 11 t t
<br />, Exec. Vice - President
<br />STATE OF Nebraska
<br />COUNTY OF Hall as.
<br />On this _..12th day of Sept. 2002 hero,. me, the undersigned, a Nelery Public in end for aaid
<br />state, personalty appeared Jon Heath
<br />Trustee, to me known to be the identical person named In and who executed the foregoin Inst en6 antl acknowledged That he
<br />executed the same as his voluntary act and dead. / /
<br />V r�x
<br />Vm Jro; 2DW
<br />