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200209690 <br />EXHIBIT A: <br />A portion of the North One Hundred Eightv (180) feet of <br />the West Two- Thirds (2/3) of the West Half (WI/2) of Lot <br />Six (6) of Norwood Subdivision of part of the West Half of <br />the Northwest Quarter (1 /2NW1 /4) of Section Ten. (10), in <br />Township Eleven (11) North. Range Nine (9) West of the <br />6°t P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, being a rectangular tract <br />of ground having a West frontage of 180 feet and a depth of <br />440 feet, subject to the East half of the county roar on <br />same frontage, said tract containing 1.807 acres, more or <br />less, now known as Lot One (1), Norwood Third <br />Subdivision, Hall Countv. Nebraska. <br />