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09 11/2002 15:01 FAX 14024714429 NEBRASKA 11CC Q002,002 <br />20020962Z <br />I - - - Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service <br />Fards 663 (Y)(c) Notice of Federal Tax Lien ki� <br />Ily Ci,00., 2001 1 <br />Area: FSerrhall Number <br />al BuSitTESS/SELF Dili "RA #79 390 <br />Lien Unit Phone: (414) 297-3211 390260939 <br />As provided by section 6321, 6322, and 6323 of the Internal Revenue <br />Code, Take are giving a notice that taxles (including Interest and penalties) 22 5 <br />polis FLN 112 AR <br />have been assamsed agallest the fallicesingissamed taxpayer. We have made tied all" it <br />a demand for payment of this liability, but it mrsaisis unpaid. Therefore, <br />there Is a lien in refus of the United States on all property and rights to <br />property belonging to this expayer, rof the amount of these taxes, and <br />,didihionj peauslidles, Interest, and costs that my accrue. <br />Name of Impairer BORER FLOOR COVERING NC , a Corporat n <br />Residence 306 E CAPITAL AVE <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 6B801-2410 <br />IMPORTANT RELEASE INFORMATION: Far each assessment listed asioN, <br />unless notice at the If., is .filed by the date given in column (a), this nedice shall, <br />an the day such date, operate as a certificate at hileand, as defined <br />in IRC 632518). <br />rifted Las Unpaid Balance <br />ing N edddg� I of Assessment <br />Mind of Ta) ember A Ends F'= <br />—FO9/30 I I <br />941 /20011 47-0832650 103/18/20021 04/17/2012 1 11A95.1F. <br />Place of Filing <br />Register of Deeds Total 11695-36 <br />Hall POBOX 1692 <br />�ranzl Island, NE 68802-1692 <br />This notice was prepared and signed at -- MILWAUKEE, WI on this, <br />the 05th day of September 2002 <br />Signature Title <br />REVENUE OFFICER 29-10-2339 <br />for KAY (308) 384-6667 <br />(NOTE: Chi of ent., ionhiroted by I.. to take acknowledgment in not seacoast to the validity of Notice of Federal To, hen <br />Pay. Hot 71-dii 1971 2 C 9. 4091 ;.no iiiiii (R.v 10-00) <br />Pant I - Keg By Itait"fiff Office CAT NO 60025X <br />