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BE BY -LAWS OF THE SHELTON TOWNSHIP CEMETERY <br />` n Six (6). I. The Oemeleryainge T in the Southeast County my 01 the Southeast of Nebraska, of the Southwest dominated ted as t DI <br />Shelton Sex (BI, Town Nine (9). Range Twelve (ts) North, Gately of Hall, Stale D/ N ounty,a, eball be on the a9 the <br />set forth in Cemetery d conveying shall b¢ the property o /lion nwnship,,ffalo Gouty,Nebraska,on InaeShe0on <br />set fort, in the 00ed conveying sold Cemetery d Shelton Township, Buffalo County, Nebraska, from Ina Shelton <br />Cema Association <br />SECTION 1 TM1. e <br />n Township Cemetery shall be under the management and control Board of Trustee. <br />consisting of three qualified electors of 1,0 TO W OSM1ip of S neI1Dq who shall bull office for a term Of three years, and <br />until their successors are elected a nd qualified <br />SEC TION Ill. At the annual row. meeting <br />of) years, Township d crisis i s held On the fifth day t or Match, 1918, r., electors <br />present shall elect onoTmslee for a Term Df I,rea(3)death,andonebe halend an iva for atermer two Trustee and One <br />who mall M1OIe Me filed (Of a term of one ill on to entl Ingle stall be eing a annually of all ore One t to act code Shall <br />elect his office for throe 131 years, Said election to be by ballot, requiring a majority of all voles cast Ie conetume an <br />election <br />SECTION IV. ¢aring Upon the duties Of I,eln Office, each trustee brat! take and subscribe IO the following <br />hale before the Town n Clerk <br />... ..ate of a aska nth swear that I will o Nee Slalea, and the <br />support the Constitution 1 the United <br />constitution the tan of de State of Nebraska entl lest will faithfully perform all the tlmles Imposed upon w by pM1C state laws, <br />and IM1e by-laws of Shelton d.1 trustees township, and especially those r than one by -laws s after Belton Township Cemetery, <br />SECTION V. The boar, Dl their number meal not later ono Ten of days often roe annual Township l e the dg and <br />Shall Chairman an by preside one l meet! gs of t e board, t and n all of matt number ants It It Shelf t be IM1e duty OI <br />the Chairman se preside at all meetings he she loath, t0 sign ell y to s and all warrants. g sdell s f the me. shody to the <br />Cr¢18ryto keepe record of all meeting 5;, ea callaltoh avesus authority 0 Sell the ale Issue of and or from s0 sign <br />all warrants on IM1e emetery, treasurer, nth to p and a collect all moneys arising from as rare Of TOSS Or receipt any here! source for <br />the banana OI me Cemetery, one to pay IM1e same over d the Township Treasurer, taking ate recelps merefo a <br />SECTION VI. The Secretary bond before ice the a upon of money es of at D /liable t co eater than ten hands nays soar <br />his r, conditioned or pen the t glue bonds for twice the amount of money mat Is liable come Imp me shall be In any one <br />year, ship Beonetl upon Shall Iappro performance saia bonds d his duty as Secretary. The amount T the hip Clerk be nixed by me <br />Staged Boertl, who stall approve IM1e said bonOS', said band shall be Ellen with the Township Clefk and shall run IO <br />$681100 SECTION Township. <br />SECTION VII. All months d and from the kept se IOt9 and from all then f aemcof for To benefit y the Cemetery <br />wall consulate a Cemetery lane one seall f t kept Township from the other IUneS al the Township o ry the sups and <br />expenditures and It is hereby made the duty of the TnwneM1lp Teasurer ID keep an itemized account DI the eeceipta one <br />eRpOOSECTI N the Cemetery /cod. <br />SECTION VIII. The Township Treasurer is d hereby Truman, o 10 pay all a sold on the CemedC Iona that are <br />signed by the Chairman and Secretary OI the Board DI stees, ID a lamer of de foods Ton ship In eeie cemetery tune. <br />SECTION dg tl n will hereby se Su the t duty Of de electors the present 61 de of t annual cemetery Township r ins en to make a levy <br />wMOn m miler !seemed will faire i has. over to mere me rho Township Dr me cemetery a ma d ensuing year, demalf SECTION ory X. me norm... Aran rave power money and superintend mil n all i p make nt wnd em and hments of he <br />later done; bj eared Ile he will of a OI all m nay entl ors pre t all Improvements one embellishments and or IM1e <br />Cemetery served Only d IM1e well Of a d the majority r p the electors present m any annual a Same ms good, end to have <br />funds with supervision e a /ens Cemetery and the property thereto belonging one to keep the same in as good repair as the <br />perm! <br />SECTION XI.The trustees sullen graterpectedemerthan , has base provided for Linen Gal fund of but the Township Boars may, in cage it autltleti or unexpected be nee emergency, Such emergency, /mM m¢ general rune 01 mil <br />Township. 9UCn sum Of money. 690Ibef e9ClhtOn 96611 re necessary d meet Such InlGlee.Cy. prhVdpd the dmhYOe On <br />Shelton Township Cemetery: the Secretary shall receive the sum of one hundred dollars per annum; the Chairman shall <br />reselvethe9Um of one hundred dollars per annum; the third member Of the board shall receive the sum Of One hundred <br />dollars per annum plus two dollars per trip for cemetery business. <br />SECTION XIII. The Secretary shall not allow any entermente In any unsold lots in the Cemetery, except en that part <br />knew, as the "Potter's Field , and no let shall be sold until it has been peed for in cash, or Otherwise to the satisfaction <br />of the Secretary, who shall be responsible for the amount of all sales. <br />SECTION XIV. The Trustees may secure the services of a Suitable person to dig and fill all graves. The <br />compensation to be paid for this work shall be determined by the Trustees, but said compensation shall be hellecdtl by <br />the grave - digger from the party or parties having the interment made and shall be retained by him as his total <br />compensation for legging and filling sad grave. <br />SECTION XV. No Interment Shall be made In Shelton Township Cemetery nor shall any grave be rigged therein, <br />until a Burial Permit Shall have been obtained from the Secretary Of the Board of Trustees. Said permit shall give the <br />name of the person to be burled, the number of the lot, and the name of the owner of said lot as shown by the books of the <br />Secretary. <br />SECTION XVI. Any person may purchase one Or more Iota In Shelton Township Cemetery for rune purpose of <br />interments, by paying the appraised value of the game as established by the Board of Trustees and complying with all <br />r ,niremams Of these by -laws that may rated to Or govern the Said Of lot.. <br />SECTION XVI!. All vacancies in the office of Trustees shell be filled by appointment by the Township Board, and <br />the appointee shell hold office UNIT the next anneal township meeting, when the vacancy Shall ba filled by eterelon. <br />SECTION XVII I. At !asst one hall of all lot sales and at least fifteen dollars from each opening of grave by put in <br />The Perpetual Care Fund. <br />SECTION XIX. These by -laws may bechanged or amended at any annual meeting by a majority vote of all electors <br />present and voting. <br />0 <br />X <br />9 <br />c <br />C <br />e <br />Y <br />y <br />W <br />W <br />W <br />11111 <br />CW <br />W <br />c <br />m <br />E <br />Z <br />ad <br />o <br />Y <br />q <br />.o <br />f <br />v <br />Q <br />_F <br />J <br />C <br />Z <br />0 <br />W <br />rn <br />C <br />qo <br />0 <br />W <br />5a�j <br />` <br />dc <br />dc <br />x <br />Y <br />a <br />Z <br />U <br />h <br />L <br />J <br />is <br />O <br />w <br />o <br />v <br />w <br />a <br />8 <br />a <br />2 <br />0 <br />