<br />Company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska, GRANTOR, in
<br />consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE
<br />CONSIDERATION, received from GRANTEE, RAY M. POEHLER, quitclaims to GRANTEE, the
<br />following escribed real estate as defined in N °
<br />g ( �. $�!. tat. §76 -201):
<br />A tract of land in the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Twenty -
<br />Nine (29), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (11), West of
<br />the 6' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows:
<br />Commencing at the north quarter corner of said section thence east
<br />on section line a distance of 759.0 feet to a point on section line
<br />which is the actual point of beginning. From this point, southerly, at
<br />an angle of 90 000' to the right from the section line a distance of
<br />438.0 feet, thence easterly at an angle of 90 °00' to the left a distance
<br />of 596.7 feet, thence northerly at an angle of 90 °00' to the left a
<br />distance of 596.7 feet, thence northerly at an angle of 90 '00' to the
<br />left a distance of 438.0 feet, thence westerly on section line a distance
<br />of 596.7 feet to the actual point of beginning. Said tract containing
<br />six acres, more or less; and
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1 /4) of
<br />Section Twenty -Nine (29), Township Twelve (12) North, Range
<br />Eleven (11) West of the 6' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more
<br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north
<br />line of said Northeast Quarter (NEl /4), said point being Five
<br />Hundred Nine and Seven Tenths (509.7) feet east of the northwest
<br />corner of said Northeast Quarter (NEl /4); thence N 90 000'00" E
<br />(assumed bearing) along and upon the north line of said Northeast
<br />Quarter (NEI /4), a distance of Two Hundred Forty -Nine and Three -
<br />Tenths (249.3) feet; thence S 00 000'00" W, a distance of Four
<br />Hundred Thirty -Eight (438.0) feet; thence N 90 000'00" E a distance
<br />of Five Hundred Ninety -Six and Seven Tenths (596.7) feet; thence S
<br />00 000'00" W a distance of Eight (80.0) feet; thence S 90 °00'00" W a
<br />distance of Eight Hundred Forty-Six (846.0) feet; thence N 00"00'00"
<br />E a distance of Five Hundred Eighteen (518.0) feet to the point of
<br />beginning and containing 4.061 acres, more or less, of which 0.189
<br />acres, more or less, is presently occupied by public road right of way.
<br />EXECUTED this , fI day of , 2002.
<br />COMPANY. Grantee
<br />By:� -'(' e�
<br />RAY M. POEHLER, General Manager
<br />I.
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<br />Company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska, GRANTOR, in
<br />consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE
<br />CONSIDERATION, received from GRANTEE, RAY M. POEHLER, quitclaims to GRANTEE, the
<br />following escribed real estate as defined in N °
<br />g ( �. $�!. tat. §76 -201):
<br />A tract of land in the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Twenty -
<br />Nine (29), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (11), West of
<br />the 6' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows:
<br />Commencing at the north quarter corner of said section thence east
<br />on section line a distance of 759.0 feet to a point on section line
<br />which is the actual point of beginning. From this point, southerly, at
<br />an angle of 90 000' to the right from the section line a distance of
<br />438.0 feet, thence easterly at an angle of 90 °00' to the left a distance
<br />of 596.7 feet, thence northerly at an angle of 90 °00' to the left a
<br />distance of 596.7 feet, thence northerly at an angle of 90 '00' to the
<br />left a distance of 438.0 feet, thence westerly on section line a distance
<br />of 596.7 feet to the actual point of beginning. Said tract containing
<br />six acres, more or less; and
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1 /4) of
<br />Section Twenty -Nine (29), Township Twelve (12) North, Range
<br />Eleven (11) West of the 6' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more
<br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north
<br />line of said Northeast Quarter (NEl /4), said point being Five
<br />Hundred Nine and Seven Tenths (509.7) feet east of the northwest
<br />corner of said Northeast Quarter (NEl /4); thence N 90 000'00" E
<br />(assumed bearing) along and upon the north line of said Northeast
<br />Quarter (NEI /4), a distance of Two Hundred Forty -Nine and Three -
<br />Tenths (249.3) feet; thence S 00 000'00" W, a distance of Four
<br />Hundred Thirty -Eight (438.0) feet; thence N 90 000'00" E a distance
<br />of Five Hundred Ninety -Six and Seven Tenths (596.7) feet; thence S
<br />00 000'00" W a distance of Eight (80.0) feet; thence S 90 °00'00" W a
<br />distance of Eight Hundred Forty-Six (846.0) feet; thence N 00"00'00"
<br />E a distance of Five Hundred Eighteen (518.0) feet to the point of
<br />beginning and containing 4.061 acres, more or less, of which 0.189
<br />acres, more or less, is presently occupied by public road right of way.
<br />EXECUTED this , fI day of , 2002.
<br />COMPANY. Grantee
<br />By:� -'(' e�
<br />RAY M. POEHLER, General Manager
<br />I.
<br />