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200209558 <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />sole Of Nebraska - <br />County Of Hall <br />On the /6 any ofb.n[,,Jf, 2002, before me Tacna A.4�uSCYa _ <br />a Notary Publie wiMd, and tar said Counly, personal /y appeored �AMLLA L. LANCASTER <br />and MARIA ,l CONIFY, Chairman Of The Counly Board Of Superclsors and Counly Clerk <br />of the COUNTY OF HAIL, NEBRASKA, and to me personally known to be the idenflml <br />persons whose signa /ores ore affsod hereto, and that open did acknowledge the <br />ecalian thereof to be her voluntary act and deed and the vo /unid, act and deed of <br />said Governing Bad,, and that they were empowered to make the above nucleation Tor <br />and in behalf of said Governing Body. <br />IN WTNESS WNERCOF, I have hereced pbsnfood my name and olltxetl ,, a.Lldal <br />seal of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />My commission expires S -CO -off <br />ate,.n_R. Cw <br />Notary Public <br />b <br />SURVEYORS CER77PLCATE <br />I hereby codify that on August 30,2002, I comptolod an aaaurate survey of 'LUZCNAC <br />THIRD SUBDIVISION; ;n the Cily of Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown on the <br />accompanying plot Hereof; that the lots, blocks, sfreels, avenues, alleys, parks, <br />and other grounds as cankined Ln said subdividan as shown on the <br />omparrying plot thereof ore wall and aacaralely slaked off and morked; that Iron <br />marlin, w re placed nl all lot comers; that the dime,lon of each lot ore as shown <br />an the plat last ench /,I hears Its mwc member, and Thal sold survey was made with <br />reference la known and mmrded monuments. <br />0 °use <br />Deryl 0O sm Lad Sally, <br />t <br />APPROVALS <br />Approved and oc,,led by the Cily of Grand Island.. Nebraska, this (Q day <br />of S,,ent� 6— . 2002. <br />Planning Director K/ <br />LEGAL DESCR /VT /ON <br />A and of land campr&ie, all of Hof one (Q, L.a. 5ubdlvk d,,, and all of Lot <br />One (1), Luzenac Second Subdivlslan, In the City Of Grand Island, Nebraska, said <br />Ired contain /ng 33.006 acres more or less. <br />DED/CATTON <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that LUZENAC AMERICA, INC., a Oelpwore <br />Corporation, and the COUNTY OF HALL, NEBRASKA, being the a.. of the land <br />desnlhed hereon, have caused same tr be surveyed, subdivided, placed and deeignotedl <br />as 'LUZCNAC THIRD SUBOIVISIONI in Me City of brand Island. Nebmska, as shown on', <br />Me accompanying plat thereof, and do hereby dedicate the easements, if any, as shown <br />Mereen far the locallon, consaucflon and mamtenanca of poblla se Moo nlalaou. <br />together wllb the eight of Ingress and egress Morelp, and hereby prohibiting Me <br />sidipMg of bees, bushes and ablest, or planing niher obsauci/ons upon, aver, o/ang w <br />underneath the sudare of such easements; and the' Me mregaing subdivision as re in <br />patlRularly described in the description hereon as appears on this plat Ls made with <br />the tree co sent and in aa,c dLn,, w;M the desires of the undersigned owners and <br />p ,;ofars.n <br />M WITNESS WHEREOF, we have ofilial our signatures hereto, of Englewood, Colorado, <br />this 3, do, of a 2002, and at Grand Island, Nebmska, this _. <br />day of e, 20028 <br />(UZCNAC AMERICA, INC., a Delaware Corporation <br />Daniel D Harris, Presldens <br />COUNTY OF HALL, NEBRASKA <br />��County C.t2Kemsys <br />UC0.0Lr7AZi NAF/411i <br />Sink Of Colorado <br />CadnN Of Arapahoe <br />On Me 31 day of .. , 2002, before me D4vrad_r. �eaueee.4 <br />a Notary Publle with/, and for sold County, personally appeared DAN /EL D. HARRIS, <br />President of LUZENAC AMERICA, INC., a Delaware Carporalon, and Ad me Persom/ly <br />known to be inn Identical person whose signauue /s affixed hereto, and that be did <br />acknowledge the execelion thereof to be his vicamary ms and deed and the volenfary <br />act and deed of said Cardar,E6n, and Mal he was empowered la make the above <br />dedlcaflon for and in behalf of sald Corporation. <br />IN WTNESS WHEREOF, l hove bereunb robs Hbod my name and affixed my offlclal <br />seal at Englewood, Colorado, on she data Iasi above written. <br />My eommLoalon expltts— P- 9 03 , <br />P .!..e <br />Na pry � �( 4 <br />wf. <br />L UZENAC THIRD SUBDIVISION_ <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />eockeell And Assoc. - Englneering d Surveying - grand Island, Nebraska DNMAs2Of2 <br />