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r <br />�r <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO <br />Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. <br />Attn: Subordination Department <br />MAC: P6051-013 <br />18700 NW Walker Rd #92 <br />Beaverton, OR 97006 -2950 <br />Loan No. 003 -003- 2767171 -0001 ED SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT ALBUQ <br />NOTICE: THIS SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT RESULTS IN YOUR SECURITY INTEREST IN THE <br />PROPERTY BECOMING SUBJECT TO AND OF LOWER PRIORITY THAN THE LIEN OF SOME <br />OTHER OR LATER SECURITY INSTRUMENT. <br />This Subordination Agreement, made this September 6, 2002 by WELLS FARGO BANK <br />NEBRASKA, N.A. (hereinafter referred to as "Beneficiary "), present owner and holder of the Deed of Trust <br />and note first hereafter described, in favor of HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, it's successors and/or assigns (hereinafter referred to as "Lender "); <br />WITNESSETH <br />THAT WHEREAS, Kim Jay Fjeldheim And Wendy Corrine Fjeldheim, Husband And Wife As Joint <br />Tenants (hereinafter referred to as "Owner ") did execute a Deed of Trust, dated May 28, 2002 to Wells <br />Fargo Bank Nebraska, National Association, as Trustee, covering that certain real property described as <br />follows: <br />THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS ATTACHED HERETO ANDn MADE A PART HEREOF�1�' <br />APN: 400348969 Lc+ 2$ �m +dc �icYes pmt �v�:Ifs"O" "q"' 6'� NptAS�Q <br />To secure a note in the sum of $40,000.00, dated May 28, 2002, in favor of Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska, <br />National Association, which Deed of Trust was recorded June 28, 2002, as 200206874, Official Records <br />of Hall county. Through subsequent agreements with the Owner, either recorded or unrecorded, the <br />current borrowing limit for said note has been amended to $40,000.00, and <br />WHEREAS. Owner has executed, or is about to execute, a Deed of Trust or Mortgage (hereinafter <br />referred to as "Lender's Security Instrument ") and note not to exceed the sum of $146,000.00, dated <br />Ny5w%k 19, J OOa , in favor of Lender, payable with interest and upon the terms and conditions <br />described therein, which Lender's Security Instrument is to be recorded concurrently herewith; and <br />ReCLh -4eP as �eciia00a -04734 <br />WHEREAS, It is a condition precedent to obtaining said loan that said Lender's Security Instrument <br />last above mentioned shall unconditionally be and remain at all times a lien or charge upon the land <br />hereinbefore described, prior and superior to the lien or charge of the Deed of Trust first mentioned, <br />Owner has requested Beneficiary to subordinate Beneficiary's lien to the lien about to be taken by the <br />Lender; and <br />WHEREAS, Lender is willing to make said loan provided the Lender's Security Instrument securing <br />the same is a lien or charge upon the above described property prior and superior to the lien or charge of <br />the Deed of Trust first above mentioned and provided that Beneficiary will specifically and unconditionally <br />subordinate the lien or charge of the Deed of Trust first above mentioned to the lien or charge of the <br />Lender's Security Instrument in favor of the Lender; and <br />Page 7 of 3 <br />T <br />!7� <br />C <br />rn <br />m <br />-i <br />Vf N O <br />C <br />P1 <br />Z <br />n <br />S n Z -a <br />N <br />CD <br />D <br />0 <br />.� rr� m <br />Z <br />O <br />� <br />CD <br />Uf <br />m <br />L7. <br />O <br />co l3 =- <br />N <br />C <br />6c rn <br />) m <br />O <br />R <br />F� <br />C o r <br />CO <br />f > <br />co <br />v <br />rn <br />co <br />CIO Cn <br />en <br />N <br />a <br />200209465 <br />Loan No. 003 -003- 2767171 -0001 ED SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT ALBUQ <br />NOTICE: THIS SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT RESULTS IN YOUR SECURITY INTEREST IN THE <br />PROPERTY BECOMING SUBJECT TO AND OF LOWER PRIORITY THAN THE LIEN OF SOME <br />OTHER OR LATER SECURITY INSTRUMENT. <br />This Subordination Agreement, made this September 6, 2002 by WELLS FARGO BANK <br />NEBRASKA, N.A. (hereinafter referred to as "Beneficiary "), present owner and holder of the Deed of Trust <br />and note first hereafter described, in favor of HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, it's successors and/or assigns (hereinafter referred to as "Lender "); <br />WITNESSETH <br />THAT WHEREAS, Kim Jay Fjeldheim And Wendy Corrine Fjeldheim, Husband And Wife As Joint <br />Tenants (hereinafter referred to as "Owner ") did execute a Deed of Trust, dated May 28, 2002 to Wells <br />Fargo Bank Nebraska, National Association, as Trustee, covering that certain real property described as <br />follows: <br />THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS ATTACHED HERETO ANDn MADE A PART HEREOF�1�' <br />APN: 400348969 Lc+ 2$ �m +dc �icYes pmt �v�:Ifs"O" "q"' 6'� NptAS�Q <br />To secure a note in the sum of $40,000.00, dated May 28, 2002, in favor of Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska, <br />National Association, which Deed of Trust was recorded June 28, 2002, as 200206874, Official Records <br />of Hall county. Through subsequent agreements with the Owner, either recorded or unrecorded, the <br />current borrowing limit for said note has been amended to $40,000.00, and <br />WHEREAS. Owner has executed, or is about to execute, a Deed of Trust or Mortgage (hereinafter <br />referred to as "Lender's Security Instrument ") and note not to exceed the sum of $146,000.00, dated <br />Ny5w%k 19, J OOa , in favor of Lender, payable with interest and upon the terms and conditions <br />described therein, which Lender's Security Instrument is to be recorded concurrently herewith; and <br />ReCLh -4eP as �eciia00a -04734 <br />WHEREAS, It is a condition precedent to obtaining said loan that said Lender's Security Instrument <br />last above mentioned shall unconditionally be and remain at all times a lien or charge upon the land <br />hereinbefore described, prior and superior to the lien or charge of the Deed of Trust first mentioned, <br />Owner has requested Beneficiary to subordinate Beneficiary's lien to the lien about to be taken by the <br />Lender; and <br />WHEREAS, Lender is willing to make said loan provided the Lender's Security Instrument securing <br />the same is a lien or charge upon the above described property prior and superior to the lien or charge of <br />the Deed of Trust first above mentioned and provided that Beneficiary will specifically and unconditionally <br />subordinate the lien or charge of the Deed of Trust first above mentioned to the lien or charge of the <br />Lender's Security Instrument in favor of the Lender; and <br />Page 7 of 3 <br />