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200209440 <br />FANAWRYMafi.�TS�iY�Pi <br />'Nn unek+sipxd TYsulva Irnby ad: —kliog sod ....]...a.-A the (a) t1x a tY dacvecva tllow b be'u a Ttwt Dead .,d not <br />x rmtgaga (b) tx fa--a ofsalc r.m Wed for in the Tttm Dmi )rvti&, abnvaia)ly r iTaaY rg1Ge rrd cuigalian b the True. thm a tratgagc <br />in rM swat of • Wd It a h,rach of oNivlrm. Tlr Trust. fullbr rgresmt and wpm the this oatiHcuim has been rued .ad uw M in <br />manse)on whh, but Prim lo. tha TrsriaC MMUCa of the following Trwt tkxd <br />DATED JUNE 15_ .1593. <br />NEBRASKA <br />HALL <br />r- foseppiog -buamd Zn vkmw6*d. mNm*W m] a btutors nn Vw 15TH-drjof_ TI INF_J <br />t9 94 by JULSA A_CARR MOsmd Ldmd, Ndr, <br />Nvary Public <br />TL BS DEED OF TRUST is made m JUNE 15 , 1994. The Tntno,.ro <br />AS iN[ O Dy _ Cf anowa) Tb, Tntnoe ;e Fart D. Ahiehvedt Anonmy w <br />law. (�Irvetaa•). the IxM'xivy u t o c.¢.�����d ,den }lea' � .ct smmL Isimsi Nebraakti 66501. ('IGnda7, <br />13atmasmw trader be princlpd stun of Itf') IHLIUSAN 11yU HJ�,'�PEO iU C� o <br />TSu Gotx y eWdenN hY )kmawtY M. de�M tFa ee:rn ale of thlc gevrH.y Inv _A (•Nc!.•), w!dit �roNdm ttr s nzcd Pe)' n, —e )ae.a lhm <br />the data Fumt 71m Demrty Jrohcvrl uxurce to LM rquymart of Ur dcM e.idmnod try the Nda, with vforal, ud all tarnr <br />�kcaions end mwJil7caLas -co ) 11- psyrncm of aU rnha s:my ssi y i�aerad. advusoad tieda puagsph 7 fo l]'Aert tlm aea!rry oC'Ju Snatr'Ul4y <br />ulnmuxrd: and (c) tFe paforman� of Fxxrvwa,' m:emaa w3 egamxnl>. Fu this yeapxc, Pamsw. irevcably gnr} and oanvey b Tnube, io <br />Irus: wiUt power of role Lhe Ibnmamg hsasT�.' p:cgarty; <br />LOT NINE (9) PLEASANTUIEW 10TH SUBDIVISION FO THE CITY OF GA;)ND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTv, NEBRASKA, <br />ILe mdliog ad:4 ®oftbe barrnwcau 1116 S. PLEASANTUIEW DR 191 AND NFRHA9K0 68801 <br />TOOER[ER WTTTI tI] tim inrxovanatla oox n haexM ertttM m 0n MT'ty, soil ail eas¢nenta, r eft Mssr4 s' cm rode end <br />fillo 1 a a P-'t of Un MPaty. At repo .,t. and .d�W— dull also be --a d this Sa,ui lw1woe.. i <br />Ldenul b in this Sasidy Imtrtmtrm n Un •Roperty'. ry A.1 of We foregoing u <br />BORROWERS COVENANT ffig Boaowery era lawfully mod of L*. coca, bOo by conveyed and bw tin rigid to port ud mnvey dr <br />Pr-pm,., and hid the Prone y is mrsc , Ax d. wept far mo vab rx,, of retail Beam., vrvrem .,d wiU .loand yeaanily ibe titte b the <br />Fropaty.gawt W d". and demaodt mNect to say ..- •. -. ofru ,& <br />COVENANTS. Borrow. aM Leda, tvvmud nil apes m foilowa <br />evidmeed L LLu PXYTnerd Of <br />eM Rrrxapal and lNnevt( Reptymart aM lets C_,urgei. f3a'm+ae sblJ pagtly pay wba due Un piwipmt of tbo debt <br />>n' MY FMFaymmt and Late cBmga due W-,W the Note <br />2 Funds fc Tam and Lanmor=, All rod edste tun and heuaom shill be paid by Baro vitro law. <br />3. Chmpg -. Lino Bormwne dull Prey sU tam, eafuwnaac cbrEa. fora UA hryxaithrw a ,-t' tsb6: a the Property ,vhidr may main <br />priority ow thin Seauny huutamq and basdntd psynraw c Wound tart; i(my. }kerms. dutl ply dues obligatimu m the mw_v id pmvidal hm <br />J` gE'mh 7, afoot paid'. tut vumxc, Brnrow. shell pay Lbmr m tLoo diooWy L, Lye Prow. owed psy, c B xrvuav shall Ixomply funsuh to <br />Imps d] Toff. of ernoum, to be paid unda this paapaph I(Boaowxa, cake thew paya,e>pa d-esdly, Bonosvera duR <br />Lasdus amipb esidmc ng Lha paymailv Promptly flunih to <br />Borrower shill Promptly dLndwgc my Jim nhxh has priority ova this Sourity, butrumad (csltdin m fort dud of watt urUra <br />E3avowm: (s) a" in wolfing to lM pnymad ofihe wtrliislim several by the lift in a puma bk a Lev�r, g y ) <br />Y. or ekfond agairnt enfomnwa of Un lim iR legaJ pmeoodingv which in th] Loaded vim -. t ft ,,t r in Im, faith li !iota <br />fo&'Wre of my Put of Un of op.]e to prevnY. the enfacamnd of ins lift a' <br />Prclxat}: a (c) ao:.ce from iM heWa of 11r lice ai agrmend sati£rnay to L.evdeo ,nbord n.1j.1g tM lift to Uri. <br />Se vriry Lu'uuma.0 If Laden ddmo' x Out any put of Ur Property a mbjea to s Jim svhxF, may attain priority owx tba Socu ity buhummt, <br />Inedm may give 1-101m a, a ootiw idmtifyiog the lift Barro,on sMll .gicy the lift a take stn or naxe of the sctioos s,, forth above within 10 <br />days ofthc giving ofnoUm. <br />a. Nmerd Lrv-sft lloaw,cn shill keep the hmTov'aoaaa Devi aystig a fmm�lla mo' m the <br />FM r. lurxdr utcluded within the heft 'etiendW my pfop ny itmue )ten by <br />'e W* sM any solar haurrS fa which Leedax requee i momoe. Thu itmuanx shat h <br />Ruimsined "t the uramiv vd for Ore paieu Uat Latdaa rN._ :be hmnuan scenic pmvidklg the imaarma shell be chow. by Barovnn aubjct <br />a Leech,' Wdooval wich dual m be vtrreaao.bFy w U0d. <br />All frrarsanc poUciw rod 1erxw101r dw.l1 be r^' `�bk to lard&. rM doll ixlude a gxadsr,l <br />rig)tt a hold the pmicia sM ra 1w If l.mdm tequim Bones. shill mortgage ela;a,� Iedas d,,Jl have Un <br />I- tb cvcrtl of ]°a0. F3ortow. dull ve Ptatget)y gi,o to lad. sll nsctips of paid p®ians and renewal .dote <br />Bamwxn Si prxnp .sine a the iv>aaama ortia aaaf Ir:vdc,,, Imda. may cake poofnf far ifrmt mode IaomAlY by <br />_ Unlea Lenders aM Bamwan otherwise agree m writu,g, irmuv,oe premeds duU bee l M a reN.Cwn c <br />Cearble xt�' aeeaiLLy wuuld Ins Ieaxnnl, thc'lymnuu,cek sM f cedes{ eemeily 6 mf lac -rxd Lf Lye ratontial or rgrir is trot emrpnriNiy. <br />LLm due. .silt lxooasb shill be Applied to Ib Wass eecvr..d by tba SoM ty lmft u w..dha ur c• t <br />any exc Psid to Borrawaa. If Bcvrowas abmdo the popaty, a do nO(,arawa wWxin 30 days a notice Fran L=A. the' the <br />Ilrirarlee nrrim has offaed to antic a ctairq dx t feeders may mllas 04 inwrm a pecmd, Lmdm msy use U,e proceeds to repair or ratan Un <br />hWP y a to Pty mrn samrcd by this Se -catty I1111ruma4 wt Mba or not Wm duo Tin 30day period.Ul begin vlxn Lbe wtim is givrn <br />o(Un psyman rdarcd -. in Bow. othawim sgrm in writing, ury sM14wion m pmmds to Pricer' doll rtcl egad sv prapasx the etas ilea <br />Pu*FTI� I and 1 a dwige the .vmmm of 14 psy Oft, If fade parapaph 19 tin nary by. L" dd <br />Bmown% rigl I to any insurance polida and pocmds r.Aling frmr demege to Un Prop rz Pia b LLn e, �y is fired <br />exam; of the aim ennutd by lids Security havuosad hmtnbaal -W isitim *All pkn b L.mdns A U,a <br />Y Prot b LLn voguidtiaa <br />~v <br />� <br />