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200209425 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br />A tract of lla lul I...W0 In the Saulhe:lsl Cornet• or lite South Half of Seclhgn )Eleven (11), <br />To ashlp IWr�he ob Nnrlb, Ihmge Ten (10), N'esl of the 6th P.M., in 11,111 County Nebraska, <br />none parliVularly dlwiflnd as follows: Col.... lug ail the Sowtheasl Corner of Lsald section <br />Blest." (11), +o'du+ thence Nord., along and upon lite cast side of said Section t•:levert (11) n <br />dlslan(t of 'IT a 1h111dird Eight mod Scveoq' -ffvc hundredths (208.75) feet, runuing'thence nest <br />and parallgl Villa Iije smf(Ia side of said Se(liuo Eleven (I1), a distance of 7tvo ffundiv1 61ght <br />and Seventy -lice I11hd100IS (208.75) feet, running thence south out] paralltl with the East side <br />of said Sty111,11 It veil O :In <br />1), a distance or 'rwo lluudred Eight d Seventy- five bundredlhs <br />(208.75) feel, Irnnni4g thence test, along and upon the south side of said Section Eleven (11), <br />a distance! o4 Two l llu nln:d Eight And Several)' -fivt hundeuddis (208.75) feel to 'the point of <br />Ltgiiming. � <br />I <br />ii <br />