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P <br />1:QA.�09328 <br />A Tract of land in the SW} of' Section 23, TIIN, R9W of the 6th P.M., being also a <br />portion of Government Lot 1 of Lhe Mainland described as follows: Beginning at a point <br />on the west line of said. Section 23, 423 feet north of the southwest corner of said <br />section, this paint also -'being on the centerline of the Wood River Channel as describe <br />on Exhibit "A "attached. .to and, made a part of the Warranty Deed filed for record in th <br />Offic9 of the ReIister'nf Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, on November 13,. 1959, record <br />in Book 129 of-Deeds at -Page 447. thence, northerly on the section line e: distance of <br />97,1.9-feet; thence, at`ah angle of 90 degrees to the right, s:: distance of 68.5 feet; <br />thence; at an angle of-90 degrees -to the left, a distance of 19.4 feet;. thence at an <br />angle�bf 90 degrees to the right,. a distance of 140.5 feet; thence, at an angle of <br />90:degfees to the left, .a distance of 262.2 feet.; thence, at an angle of 90 degrees to <br />the right, a distance of 680 feet more or less to the centerl Lie of the Wood Rivet <br />- <I Chanel; thence�upstrean5 on the centerline of said channel to the point of beginning. <br />