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200209326 <br />G.xlnbit "A" <br />11 Tract of land in the SW '', nl Section 23, TI IN, ROW of the 6a' CM., being <br />also it portion of Government I.ot I of the Mninlllnd described as lot Ilows- <br />Beginning at a point on the west line of said Section 23, 423 feet north oCihe <br />Southwest Corner of Said section, Ibis point also being on the centerline of the <br />Wood River Channel as described on Gahibit "A" atluched to and made in purl of <br />the Warranty Deed filed f6i record in the Office Of the Register of Deeds of 1 -loll <br />Cbunh , Nebraska, on November 13, 199), recorded in Book 129 of Deeds in <br />Page 447; thence, northerly on ibC section line a distance of 971.9 feet; thence, al <br />on angle of 90 degrcea In the right, a distance of68.5 feel; thence, in nn auglc of <br />90 degrees to the tell, it distance of 19,4 Ices; thence, at an angle of 90 degttes to <br />the right, it distance of 140.5 ['cc(; thuncet ;n an angla of 9U degrees to the left, u <br />disbmcc of2622 feet; thcucc, at zin tingle of90 degrees to the right, a distance of <br />680 fell mare OF Tess to the renlerlinc of the Wood River Channel; thenco <br />upstream an the centeline ofsaid channel to the point of beginning. <br />