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200209204 <br />EXHIBIT A TO DEED OF TRUST 7378488594 <br />(Legal Description) <br />Grantor/Trustor: BELGRADE HOLDINGS LIMITED <br />Trustee: U.S. BANK N.A. <br />Beneficiary: U.S. BANK N.A. <br />Legal Description of Land: <br />All of Block Five (5), Unit Two (2)Continental Gardens, an Addition to the city of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, less that portion sold to the City of Grand Island, <br />described as: Beginning at the junction of the East line of Webb Road and the South line <br />of College Street, said point also being the Northwest comer of Unit 1, Block 5, <br />Continental Gardens Subdivision; thence proceeding East along the South line of College <br />Street for a distance of 8.85 feet; thence deflecting right in a Southwesterly direction to a <br />point 5 feet South of and 4 feet East of the Northwest corner of Unit 1, Block 5, <br />Continental Gardens Subdivision; thence deflecting left 4 feet from and parallel to the <br />East line of Webb Road for a distance of 6 feet; thence deflecting right, perpendicular to <br />the East line of Webb Road for a distance of 4 feet; thence deflecting right along the East <br />line of Webb Road for a distance of 11 feet to the point of beginning. <br />1222ADOT aus ban rp 2001 B1 10/01 <br />