The undersigned, as Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust executed by THREE CIRCLE
<br />IRRIGATION, INC., a Nebraska corporation, as Truster, for the benefit of Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska,
<br />National Association successor -by- merger to The Overland National Bank of Grand Island, as
<br />Beneficiary, dated as of May 29, 1998, and recorded on May 29, 1998, as Instrument No. 98- 105151 of
<br />the Official Records of Hall County, Nebraska, does hereby quitclaim and reconvey unto the person or
<br />persons legally entitled thereto, without any warranty, all of the right, title and interest now held by said
<br />Trustee in and to the real property described in said Deed of Trust and on Exhibit A attached hereto and
<br />incorporated herein by this reference. This Reconveyance is executed at the request of the Beneficiary
<br />under said Deed of Trust.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Trustee has caused this Reconveyance to be executed as of
<br />August 15, 2002,
<br />Trustee
<br />By:
<br />Mark
<br />J. Fisc , Private Banker
<br />G \TEAM2 \0maha \Three Circle I, Inc\Remirveyance8-
<br />1502.docC -5W NE.DOC(Rev. 08181)
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<br />Attn: Loan Documentation /AFS
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<br />The undersigned, as Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust executed by THREE CIRCLE
<br />IRRIGATION, INC., a Nebraska corporation, as Truster, for the benefit of Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska,
<br />National Association successor -by- merger to The Overland National Bank of Grand Island, as
<br />Beneficiary, dated as of May 29, 1998, and recorded on May 29, 1998, as Instrument No. 98- 105151 of
<br />the Official Records of Hall County, Nebraska, does hereby quitclaim and reconvey unto the person or
<br />persons legally entitled thereto, without any warranty, all of the right, title and interest now held by said
<br />Trustee in and to the real property described in said Deed of Trust and on Exhibit A attached hereto and
<br />incorporated herein by this reference. This Reconveyance is executed at the request of the Beneficiary
<br />under said Deed of Trust.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Trustee has caused this Reconveyance to be executed as of
<br />August 15, 2002,
<br />Trustee
<br />By:
<br />Mark
<br />J. Fisc , Private Banker
<br />G \TEAM2 \0maha \Three Circle I, Inc\Remirveyance8-
<br />1502.docC -5W NE.DOC(Rev. 08181)
<br />