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ENVELOPE IWpca Apmm Thh Lim For ticcordram Dalai /- 223 9•,;6 — Sai <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />As,rt� <br />200209095 <br />'RM DEED OF TRUST' t"lewriq k0 umant') N made on laanary 3. 1997 <br />Gary L. Warnar and Kathryn A. 'Weraerb Tdas'bama ana Vas <br />(00orrawa -). TW erus ar IS YMCWCSt aam& lrabr" ac. NWtIndill A&AMC18C1as <br />(-Teusttc`). Thr.'braraMemy 1% y0or vest Tam veskmaaia,. vm%Avm1 AensoeSaelsra <br />4°1° <br />The tnrmitivr is <br />which is organized and existing umbr &fie fawa of rho Ilntted $LBi69 0i A@erzaa and whose <br />sd*90 h 34113 V. L7ch Se, Gavard Za1md. 188 SAM <br />('L..:'rdCr'). Borrower owes l may► do principal sum at <br />arty SIX Vusts UnA tmtr Luecft -OC Z%Vmz -� *W#*% asti 3A {11� --- Doflta(TS S 'Rote ;)`+vliettlrari3tiYor <br />This debt is erldsttad by Bcasovier's note dazed the same datae as this Saeudty hmw mt ! <br />maeft X &ms: ts. with rho full d&t. if stag paid aaiier. dmc end payrtbda oat I 25 21796 <br />Tk6 Satnriry Index unast saanw. to Lander. (a) dx Topyrom of the debt arioenced No�a. Moment. and ell markals. <br />attt[aiom and modWkvrim6 of die N*W (b) the pLyfneer of all other =21as. river Gtcarncr. advamoax taster PWWW + 7 tea <br />ptoua the saw ity of this So=* Irimtrmmat; and (C) tiro yerforomraa of &.masers ooveaaem and areemans. For thla <br />purpose, Borrower brevaably gams and conveys to Truatm. in beams. with roarer of wasp, qw fodlomkrg dawdw propaw <br />Incased in BILU IZMM. <br />r::xhIL;+ A <br />Lei 16 8MA the floatb 16 se *C of Lot .td, Sheet. M, uhtaeemityr Pleow, <br />City of G nail Island. Ball Coterry, Nobraska. <br />%Njvs. <br />Which has dto address of 2903 Ii) Sharldas Ave, dzaad Island abomcarL <br />"Ma a propa" AdOtaa -)'; <br />1Zq code! <br />1OGETHER WITH An etc; nmprowmamrs taw or tmaaher maetad on than paopony. and all a mWArre. appuru micaL and <br />faastrrs aanr or t�aelker a }�& of than ptaperry. All r ,' maeteat&L old ffi ens eyrdt of to — am 6s' dko Samrsky <br />lttssumrmm AN of ace is M*VW to m eh;a $Cantu- kmnM att an tbv 'Rapetmy.- <br />BO R MvgNANTS dw Borrow= is lewfAy misad of fans ease hereby ormyed mad has due right to Pnot uW <br />to 7 b"M amt *m tom, is. �_ uam for comm of ftmvd. Bel . warrants and .rill <br />defe p�pp�iy the title to rho Pnoperp� a8 irm all claims vid dam ords. mb*d to taffy attrMnbfsroas of rmord. <br />T if18 SWURrrY INSTRUML'N T' comAama s mufomr v"wear b fisr Hadar@; -mt and momuniferrw covenutis wnh hudged <br />variruioas by jurisdictieft to eersdtate a saifom Seewity ifs[tram)ldrt eovering t®t prd ?r -ty. <br />UNIPWOI(M C13tINArm. fbrrwrta and iardar a nAtpesa rK fcrlloarra <br />1. Payment of Prhtdpt aad brartaw. ptepapn t and Law (Stmrdes6 verr..or awl pzmzpdy ray When in the <br />prigof aril int meman dw dabs evidwood the Nole and arty pcpaymamt and Iota charges doe under the Note- <br />(Iew& for TAX" and inmraoee. &Mjw a *Mlkabla law or w a wifteo waiver by Lender. Bamromer stall pay to <br />Lender on Ike day mmub r payments are due under thr 14o)e. umll than Dote is pma m iol). a sum 1'Pattis'1j tm: Ysyyas4i vases <br />a W asseismmm wlsicfi may ateaift priority over this Swuncy btatm lem as alien on ncc PwpcM-- for yob' firmaltold Payments <br />or gtwtd rents on than PropmV. if any: (c) yearly harsrd or propMy insurance premiums; (it) yearly flood insurance prentarms. <br />ilsvy_ N► ready XDOF~ invent imcmuglo. if hey: acrd (11 sly wtne payable by Borrower to Lcndw. in aomdrrtaa with <br />the pfovlsiwa of paragraph g, to lieu of die pemeem of nrortgagr mstarr C prmrmnrs. These boas as edlad -EKmw hams.' <br />Leader array, or any time. milaca aid lmld Funds is m Amon t mot to carme d The me:irnom mumm a leader for a fedemNy <br />reload mortgage Ivart may require for Borma+cr's escrow account under the fcdcral Real EsWe Semlemmt Rocedams Act of <br />IYfa as arrunsU l Crum time to Tuna. vI TS S.C. S&W.Wvt VM a seq. ; RE. V 1. makes& anariner Tarr that ag4lfos to the fonds <br />sots a lesser wnuum. If so. Lrarda may. m any tune, coticet and hold Pura!& in an anwunr nal to eitcepl tits lesser wwunr_ <br />Lakin easy esrimme the ermonm of Ftas6 dire an the basis of current dam and reasonable estirnmin of espeadhum of imure <br />Ewrow items or otherwise on aecord®we with apps sable lam, <br />