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A n n c <br />M S D <br />.� c n 2 T s -1 N rrt <br />Iva <br />� N <br />X�,y m ytiyC ti i. 2 r� 0= <br />C � X 3 � � vn.. O •'�' <br />`9 ,:FRED /19 N N <br />INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT 200209W89 <br />THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 28th day of <br />oc) June, 1996, by and between Fred H. Eickhoff, Sr., and Dorothy H.�� <br />Eickhoff, Husband and Wife, hereinafter referred to as "Sellers," O <br />and Fred H. Eickhoff, Jr., and Debra Eickhoff, Husband and Wife, v\ <br />as joint tenants with right of survivorship, hereinafter referred 2 <br />to as "Buyers." p <br />W I T N E S S E T H <br />Sellers hereby agree to sell and convey to Buyers, and Buyers <br />agree to purchase from Sellers, the following - described real <br />property, situated in Hall County, Nebraska, and hereinafter <br />called the "Property," to -wit: <br />The North Halt (N 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter <br />(SW 1/4), Section Twelve (12), Township Ten (10) <br />North, Range Twelve (12), West of the Sixth P.M., <br />Hall County, Nebraska, containing 79.64 acres, <br />acres, more or less. <br />(1) Ownership. In the event of the death of either of the <br />Sellers, or Sellers' assignees, the unpaid balance, including <br />principal and interest, shall be paid to the survivor of them. <br />(2) Purchase Price and Manner of Payment. As purchase price <br />for the above - described real property and the improvements <br />described on Exhibit "A" hereto attached, the Sellers hereby <br />agree to accept, and the Buyers hereby agree to pay, the total <br />sum of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($130,000.00), payable <br />as follows: <br />(a) The sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) down, previously <br />paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; <br />(b) Assumption of the current indebtedness on the <br />real estate in favor of the State Bank of <br />Cairo, Cairo, Nebraska, in the amount of <br />EIGHTY THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY SIX AND <br />04/100 DOLLARS ($80,456.041. <br />The balance of the purchase price, being the sum <br />of FORTY NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FORTY TWO <br />AND 96/100 DOLLARS ($49,542.96), payable in <br />yearly installments as based on a ten -year <br />amortization schedule, with interest at six <br />per cent (6 %) per annum on the unpaid balance. <br />1- <br />