The undersigned is the Trustee under a trust deed executed by James A. Schultz and Donna J.
<br />Schultz, husband and wife, as Trustors, on August 16, 1994, in which The State Bank of Cairo, a
<br />Nebraska Banking Corporation was named as Beneficiary. This trust deed was filed for record on
<br />August 17, 1994, as Instrument No. 94- 106874 in the records of the Register of Deeds of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska. The trust deed conveyed the following described real estate, the "trust property":
<br />The North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N %2NW' /<) of Section Twenty -One (2I ),
<br />Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (I1) West of the 6' P.M., in Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />Notice is hereby given that a breach of an obligation for which the trust property was conveyed as
<br />security has occurred. The nature of such breach is as follows: (1) Failure to make debt payments as they
<br />became due, or (2) pay taxes. On account of such breach, pursuant to said trust deed, the Beneficiary has
<br />elected to sell or cause to be sold the trust property to satisfy that indebtedness.
<br />Notice is further given that because of such default, the indebtedness secured by the trust deed is
<br />accelerated. The default maybe cured within two months of the filing for record of this notice of default and
<br />the obligation and the trust deed may be thereby reinstated as provided in section 76 -1012 of the Nebraska
<br />Revised Statutes. The amount of the entire unpaid principal sum secured to the trust deed is $108.103.78.
<br />The amount of interest accrued thereon to and including the date this notice is filed of record is $27,579.8 0.
<br />The per diem interest accruing from and after such date is $28.38. The amount of the unpaid principal which
<br />would not then be due had no default occurred is $101,544.44. Trustor may make payment to The State Bank
<br />of Cairo of the amount needed to bring this obligation current. Trustor may reinstate after acceleration and
<br />may bring a court action to assert the non - existence of the default or any other defense Trustor may have to
<br />the acceleration and sale.
<br />The above debt will be assumed to be valid unless you notify the undersigned in writing that you
<br />dispute the debtor any portion thereof within thirty (30) days from your receipt of this notice. If you notify
<br />the undersigned in writing within this time period, he will mail you a verification of the debt. In addition,
<br />if the original creditor is different from the above -named creditor, the name and address of the original
<br />creditor will be provided to you if you request this information in writing from the undersigned within thirty
<br />(30) days from your receipt of this notice. Despite the 30 -day period described herein I am authorized to
<br />continue this collection action.
<br />w
<br />DATED THIS day of 2002.
<br />Thomas A. Emerton
<br />Attorney at Law
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) Successor Trustee
<br />) ss
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisew 2May of Auo,
<br />2002, by Thomas A. Emerton, Successor Trustee.
<br />X&E IEML 110TAR1 =State of Nebrasln Yl C1/92t J /13 �
<br />ALLISON R. JONAK Notary Public
<br />My Comm. fxp. Oct. 4, 2009
<br />Collection Notice: We are required by federal statute to advise you that we are a debt collector and we are
<br />attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
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<br />The undersigned is the Trustee under a trust deed executed by James A. Schultz and Donna J.
<br />Schultz, husband and wife, as Trustors, on August 16, 1994, in which The State Bank of Cairo, a
<br />Nebraska Banking Corporation was named as Beneficiary. This trust deed was filed for record on
<br />August 17, 1994, as Instrument No. 94- 106874 in the records of the Register of Deeds of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska. The trust deed conveyed the following described real estate, the "trust property":
<br />The North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N %2NW' /<) of Section Twenty -One (2I ),
<br />Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (I1) West of the 6' P.M., in Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />Notice is hereby given that a breach of an obligation for which the trust property was conveyed as
<br />security has occurred. The nature of such breach is as follows: (1) Failure to make debt payments as they
<br />became due, or (2) pay taxes. On account of such breach, pursuant to said trust deed, the Beneficiary has
<br />elected to sell or cause to be sold the trust property to satisfy that indebtedness.
<br />Notice is further given that because of such default, the indebtedness secured by the trust deed is
<br />accelerated. The default maybe cured within two months of the filing for record of this notice of default and
<br />the obligation and the trust deed may be thereby reinstated as provided in section 76 -1012 of the Nebraska
<br />Revised Statutes. The amount of the entire unpaid principal sum secured to the trust deed is $108.103.78.
<br />The amount of interest accrued thereon to and including the date this notice is filed of record is $27,579.8 0.
<br />The per diem interest accruing from and after such date is $28.38. The amount of the unpaid principal which
<br />would not then be due had no default occurred is $101,544.44. Trustor may make payment to The State Bank
<br />of Cairo of the amount needed to bring this obligation current. Trustor may reinstate after acceleration and
<br />may bring a court action to assert the non - existence of the default or any other defense Trustor may have to
<br />the acceleration and sale.
<br />The above debt will be assumed to be valid unless you notify the undersigned in writing that you
<br />dispute the debtor any portion thereof within thirty (30) days from your receipt of this notice. If you notify
<br />the undersigned in writing within this time period, he will mail you a verification of the debt. In addition,
<br />if the original creditor is different from the above -named creditor, the name and address of the original
<br />creditor will be provided to you if you request this information in writing from the undersigned within thirty
<br />(30) days from your receipt of this notice. Despite the 30 -day period described herein I am authorized to
<br />continue this collection action.
<br />w
<br />DATED THIS day of 2002.
<br />Thomas A. Emerton
<br />Attorney at Law
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) Successor Trustee
<br />) ss
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisew 2May of Auo,
<br />2002, by Thomas A. Emerton, Successor Trustee.
<br />X&E IEML 110TAR1 =State of Nebrasln Yl C1/92t J /13 �
<br />ALLISON R. JONAK Notary Public
<br />My Comm. fxp. Oct. 4, 2009
<br />Collection Notice: We are required by federal statute to advise you that we are a debt collector and we are
<br />attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
<br />