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200208979 <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />Loan No: 19639 (Continued) Page s <br />Atlorleys 1-il Fees; Expenses. If t may judge reasonable wit or action a 'fee any of the tarns of appeal. Deed of Trust, Lander shall be entitled <br />to r l,ed. such swn ex the court may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' lees al trial and upon any appeal, Whether re not any <br />ss court action is <br />Invoiced ancf to the extent not of the, of by law, all reasonable expenses Lander incurs that <br />Ind in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time <br />it toe Protection t. its interest or theta Of the ex of its rights 511x11 become a pad of the ed by this p payable in demand de, wi entl snail born, <br />interest at bi Note rata from the data of the aw, Lenders until repaid. Expenses covered by this paragraph include, thereu, limilalion, <br />however aubjed to and Il mils under applicable law. Lender's dings (in lees and efforts tLender's legal expenses, vacate any automatic or not there is a lawsuit, <br />Inciodmg ad am, anticipated lees and expenses far hen &ectio pacae th ( ost of s orbits r modify or vacate any oma(!in slay or forecl see <br />appeals, and arty reprts pmtp Judgment al title srance, , id cost of searching records, obtaining milt d by reports (including foreclosed <br />Tru for <br />ruporis), sdr +eyors' reports, and appraisal leas, Gllo Insurance, entl lees for the Trustee, to the extant permilletl by applicable law. Trustor <br />also will pay any court Goats, In addition to all other sums provided by law. <br />Rights of Trustee. Trustee shall nave all of the rights and duties of Lender as set forth in this section. <br />POWERS AND OBLIGATIONS OF TRUSTEE. The following provisions relating to the powers and obligations of Trustee are part of this Deed of <br />I <br />Powers of Trustee. In addition to ell powers of Trustee arising as a maller of law, Trustee shall have the power to take the following actions <br />with respect to an Property upon the written request of Lender and Trustor: (a) join in preparing and filing a map or plat of the Foal <br />Property, including the dedication of ::beets or other rights to the public; (b) loin in granting any easement or creating any restriction on the <br />Heel Property; and (c) join in any subordination or other agreement aHocling this Deed of Trust or the interest of Lender under this Deed of <br />Trust. <br />Trustee. Trustee shall meal all quaHicateas required for Trustee under applicable law. In addition to the rights and remedies at forth <br />above, with respect to all or any pad of the Properly, the Trustee shell have the right to foreclose by notice and sale, and Lender will have the <br />right to foreclose by judicial foreclosure, in either case in accordance with and to the full extent provided by applicable law. <br />Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's option, may from time to time appoint a successor Trustee to any Trustee appointed under this <br />Deed of Trust by an instrument Manuel and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in tire office of the recorder of Hell County, Stale of <br />Nebraska. The instrument shall contain, in addition to all other matters required by stale law, the names of the original Lender, Trustee, and <br />Truster, Iho book and page (or computer system reference) where this Dead of Trust is recorded. and the name and address of the <br />successor trusloa, and the instrument shall be executed and acknowledged by all the beneficiaries under this Dead Dead of Trust or their <br />successors in Interest. The successor trustee, houl conveyance of the Properly, shall Succeed to all the title, power, and duties conferred <br />Upon Ina Trustee in this Deed of Trust and by applicable law. This procedure for substitution of Trustee shall govern to the exoluson of all <br />other p,ovislons for substitution. <br />NOTIr.ES. Any notice required to be given under this Deed of Trust, including without limitation any notice of default and any notice of sale shall <br />be given in writing, and shall be effective when actually delivered, when actually n •elved by lelefacsimile (unless otherwise required by law), <br />when deposited with it nationally recognized overnight courier, or, it mailed, when deposited in the United Slates mail, as first class, codified or <br />regis!ored mail postage prepaid, directed to the addresses shown near the beginning of this Deed of Trust. All copies of notices of foreclosure <br />from the holder of any lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust shall be sent to Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of this Deed <br />of Trust. Any person may change his or her address Or notices under this Deed of Trust by giving formal written notice to the other person or <br />persons, specifying that the purpose of the rolled Is to change the person's address. For notice purposes, Truster agrees to keep Lender <br />n'drmed at all times of Trucial cwrent address. Unless otherwise provided or required by law If there is more than one Truslor, any notice <br />li ,n by ',ender to any Trustor is deemed to be notice given to all Treaters. It will be Trn star's responsibility to tell the others of the notice from <br />tOnIr, <br />IWISCELLAPIF_OUS PROVISIONS. The fallowing miscellaneous previsions are a part of his Dead of Trust: <br />Amend hams. Vlf gat L vlihe In this Dead of Tival and in the Related Documents Is Trustor's entire agreement with Lando, concerning the <br />n If ,• covered by Ire, nc,a of 'Trust. To be ollaotivo, any change or amendment to INS Dead of Trust must be in writing antl must be <br />sigrc :i by vrhaevor win b e r,. r I ar obllgaled by the change or amendment. <br />ceptioo Headings. Cop;ien moan I,: this Deetl of Trust are for convenience purposes only antl era not to be used to interpret or opine <br />I:,a Prazldons of this Deed of bust. <br />Iderger. Thew shall On no merger of the estate created by this Dead of Trusl with any other injured or estate in lire Property at <br />any time hold by Or for the benefit of Lentler m a- v cdp'"etly, without the written consent Of Lender. <br />Boveming LOW, This Deed of Trust will be gove,nee by and interpreted In accordance with federal taw and the laws of the State of <br />Nobrnske. This Deed of Trust hes been accepted by Lentler m the Slate of Nebraska. <br />Choice of Venue. 11 Ihero Is a lawsuit. Truster agrees upon Lemlar ,request to cabal to the jurisdiction of the courts of Merrick County, <br />Slats of Nebraska. <br />No Waiver by Lender. Truslor understands Lender will not give up any of Lend ohints under this Deed of Trust unless Lender tloes so in <br />wring, The fact thal Londe, delays or omits to exercise any right will not mean lual .ondor has given up that nghl. If Lender does agree In <br />writing to give up one of Lender's rights, [flat does nut mean Truslor will not have to comply with the other provisions of this Deed of Trust. <br />Trasror, also understands that if Leader does cansenl to a adjust, that does not mean that Trusts; will not have to get Lender's consent <br />again if the situation happens again. Trustor turner understands that just because Lender consents '.r To or more of Trustor's requests, <br />hat dues nut mean Lender will be required to consent to any of Taster's future requests. Truslor i l lU :,: enlmanl, demand for payment, <br />prolasl, and notice of dishonor. <br />Sevembfllty. If a COLA finds that any provision ul this Dal of Trust Is not valid or should not be enforced, that facl of itself will not mean <br />that the rest of this Deed of Trust will not be valid or enforced. Therefore, a court will enforce the rest of the provisions or has Dead of Trust <br />twee If a onivlsion of this Decd of Trust may be found to be invalid or unenforceable. <br />Successors and Assigns. Sadao fe any limaaaon, staled In this Dead of Trust on transfer of Trusloh Interest, this Deed of Lust slmn be <br />Finding span and in:ve to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. If Ownership of the Property becomes vested in a poaori <br />other than Truslor, Lontlor, without notice to rose, may deal with Trudor's successors with reference to this Deed of Trust antl the <br />: ndehlndnass by way of forbdaance or extension without releasing Trustor from the obligations of this Dead of Trust or liability under the <br />ird OW:cf 01S <br />'r dna is of the Essence. Time Is of :he ossencro in the padonnaneo of this Doed of Trust. <br />Waiver of Homestead Exernpilon. Truster h^roby roleasos and waives all rights and benefits of the homestead exemption laws died State <br />tindra_ka ns dal Indobindness soa:vod dy Ibis read cf Trust. <br />OFI INR'IONS. To fallowing words shali have bra allowing meanings when used In his Deed of Trust: <br />0enefimary. The word "Bar :,Barony" moans Farmers Stan Bank, and Its successors and assigns. <br />Borrower. Thin word "BOnower" means Mauncio Garcia, and all other persons and entities signing the Nolo. <br />Deetl of Trust. '(he we,tls "Dead of Trust" in an this Deed of Trust mnong Truster, Learn, and Trustee, and Includes without limitation all <br />assigns ort and seourlty interest prnmsions relating to the Porsonal Property and Reels. <br />Environmerdal Laws. The words "EOVtmnmemat Laws" mean any and all state, federal and local datutes, regulations antl ordinances <br />III,nifig to th,e protection of human health ci the environment, including without limitation the Comprehensive Environmental Response, <br />Cnrnnensaiian, and Gablllty AM of 1960, as amended. 42 U.S.C. Section 9601, of seq. ( "CERCI.A")„ the Superfund Amendments and <br />Reanlhdnzabon Act of 1906, Pub, I.. No. 9f99 ( "SARA'), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 LLS.C. Section fill at seq., the <br />Romance Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, al seq., or other applicable stale or federal laws, rules, or regulations <br />adopted p, suall thereto. <br />Event of Default, The words "Event of Default" mean any of the events OF default set Odin in this Dead of Trust in the events of default <br />suction of the Deed ofTnrsL <br />Guarantor. The word "Guarantor means any guarantor, surely, or accommodation party of any or all of the Indebledness. <br />