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DEDICATION <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that CHIEF AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS, INC., o Oeloware <br />Corporation, being Me owner of the land described hereon, has caused some 10 be surveyed, <br />subdivided, plotted and designated as 'COTTAGE OROV£ SECOND SUBOIVISIOC in the City of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown on The accompanying plat thereof, and din hereby dedicate <br />the easements, if any, as shown /hereon for the location, construction and maintenance of <br />public service utilities, Together with Me right of ingress and egress thereto, and hereby <br />prehibiling the planting of trees, bushes and shrubs, or placing other obstructions upon, <br />over, along or underneath The surface of such easements; and that the foregoing subdivision <br />as more particularly described in the description hereon as appears on hv' plot is made <br />with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owner and <br />proprietor. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my signature hereto, at Cmnd Island, Nebraska, MIS <br />Z3 day at 4wa utr ___ 1001. <br />CHIEF AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS 1N0, o aware Corporation <br />Randy Card, General Manager <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />State 01 Nebraska u. <br />County Of Hall <br />On the -2.3 day of 2001, before me <br />o Nafary Public within and /o aid County, personally appeared RANDY CARD, Genar l <br />Manager of CH!£F AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS, INC., a Delowim Corporation, and to me personally <br />known to be the identical person whose signature is affixed hereto, and that he did <br />acknowledge the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act <br />and deed of said Corporation, and that be was empowered to make the above dedication for <br />and in behalf of said Corporation. <br />IN WTNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, on the date �las■t /p^Bove written. <br />My commission expires /�/ 14_ <br />wwmx'wreaw KI"2LfA._ K • �WLlI- <br />wre ram <br />Naary Public <br />(Seal) <br />SURVEYORS CER77FICATE <br />I hereby certify that on August 9, 2002, 1 completed an accurate survey of 'COTTAGE <br />GROVE SECOND SUBDIVISIOM, in the G'fy of Grand Island, Nebraska, as shown on the <br />accompanying plat thereof, that the lots, black, streets, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and <br />other grounds as contained in said subdivision as shown on The accompanying plat thereof <br />arc well and accurately staked off and marked; that iron markers were placed al all lot <br />corners; that the dimensions of each lot are as shown on the plate, that each let boors its <br />awn number; and Mat said survey was made with reference To known and recorded <br />monuments - <br />200208.440 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A tract of land comprising a purl of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />(N£114SE114) of Section Ten (10), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the <br />6th P.M.; pad of Lots Forty One (41) and Forty Two (41); all of Lot Forty Three (43); pad <br />at Lots Forty Four (44), Forty Five (45), Forty Six (46), Forty Seven (47) and Forty fight <br />(48); all of Vacated Alley lying east of and adjacent to said Loh Forty Three (43) and Folly <br />four (44); pad of Lots Sixty Four (64), Sixty Five (65), Sixty Six (66), Sixty Seven (67) and <br />Sixty fight (68); all of Lots Sixty Nine (69), Seventy (70), Seventy One (71), Sevenly Two <br />(71), Seventy Three (73), Seventy Four (74), Seventy Are (75), Seventy Six (76), Seventy <br />Seven (77), Seventy Eight (78), Seventy Nine (79), Eighty (80), Eighty One (81), Eighty Two <br />(82), Eighty Three (83), Eighty Four (84); pad of Lots Eighty Five (85), Eghty Six (86), <br />Eighty Seven (87), Eighty fight (88) and Eighty Nine (89); all of Vacated Alley lying east of <br />and adjacent to said Lois Seventy Five (75) Bra Eighty Five (85),- all of Lots Ninety One <br />(91), Ninety Two (91), Ninety Three (93), Ninety Four (94), Ninety Five (95), Ninety Six (96), <br />Ninety Sewn (97), Ninety Eight (98), Ninety Nine (99), One Hundred (100), One Hundred One <br />(101), One Hundred Two (101), One Hundred Three (103), One Hundred Four (104), One <br />Hundred Fiva (105), One Hundred Six (106), One Hundred Seven (107), One Hundred £ighT <br />(108). One Hundred Nine (109), One Hundred Ten (110), One Hundred Eleven (111), One <br />Hundred Twelve (fl2), One Hundred Thirteen (113) and One Hundred Fourteen (114}, pad of <br />Loh One Hundred fifteen (115), One Hundred Sixteen (116), One Hundred Seventeen (117), <br />One Hundred Eighteen (118), One Hundred Nineteen (119), One Hundred Twenty (110), One <br />Hundred Twenty One (111) and One Huridred Twenty Two (121); a9 of Vacated Alley lying <br />east of and adjacent to said Lots One Hundred Seven (107) lhm One Hundred Twenty Two <br />(121); all that portion of Vacated fagge Street lying between the southerly right of way line <br />of 7M Street and the northwesterly right of way fine of 4Th Street- all that puritan of <br />Vacated Earl Street lying between the southerly right of way line of 7th Street and the <br />northwesterly right of way line of 4th Street; all that portion of Vacated Baker Street lying <br />between the northwesterly vigil of way line of 4th Street and the southerly extension of Me <br />wesT line of the east part of said Lot One Hundred Twenty Two (121); the East One Half <br />(£I 12) of Vacated Geddes Street lying west of and adjacent to said Lois One Hundred Seven <br />(107) Mru One Hundred Fourteen (114), all in Cottage Grove Addition to the Cify of Grand <br />Island, tali County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows; <br />Beginning at Me northeast corner of said pad of Lot Forty Two (42), said point also <br />being the intersection of the soulhedy right of way line of 7th Street and Me northwesterly <br />Hght of way line of 4M Street; thence running southeasterly along the northwesterly right of <br />way line of 4M Street,. on an Assumed Bearing of S51'03b0 "W, a distance of One Thousand <br />One Hundred Ninety One and Twenty Two Hundredths (1191.22) feef- thence running <br />N00'1823"W, a distance of Four Hundred Eighty Seven and TINY Sir Hundredths (487.56) <br />feet, to a point on the southerly line of said Lot One Hundred fourteen (114); thence <br />running N90'00'00'W along the southerly line of sold Lot One Hundred Fourteen (114) and <br />its extension, a distance of Sixty Five and Sixty Four Hundredths (65.64) feel, to The <br />centerline of Vacated Geddes Street; thence mnning NOO'18'23'W, along the cenferine of <br />Vacated Geddes Street, a distance of Two Hundred Sixty One and Three Tenths (261.30) feel, <br />to a point on The southerly right of way line of 7M Street- thence running N90'00'DO f <br />along the southerly nghl of way fine of 7M Street, o distance of Nine Hundred Ninety Six <br />and Five Hundredths (996.05) feet, to the point of beginning and containing 8.391 acres <br />more or less. <br />��011NiWt �� APPROVAL <br />7 D. Sorg�dlrei, Reg. La egos No. 57B e�- <br />Approved and accepted by the Cily of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mis 2day of <br />4 uA�t c . 1002. <br />wy <br />7a 9088 <br />Planning Mm Mr <br />COTTAGE GROVE SECOND SUBDIVISION <br />IN THE CITY Of GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />R o c k w s I And Assoc. - En 9 i a 6 6 r trig A 5 u r 10 y I a9 - 6 rand island, Nebraska Shoe / Na 2 Of1 <br />