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200208823 '- <br />Financial Reports and Additional Docummrats. ']Victor will provide to Beneficiary upon request, any financial <br />smtement or information Beneficiary may deem reasmnzhly necessary. Trustor agrees to sign, ddiyer, and tile any <br />additional documents or certifications that licneHctmy may, consider necessary to perfect, continue, and preserve <br />Tmsfmr', obligations under thss Security Instrument and Beneficiary 's lien status on the Property_ <br />fi, WARRANTY OF TEI'LE frusmr warrants that Trustor is or will be lawfully seized of die estate conecyel by this <br />Security Instrument and has the right to irrevocably grant, mosey, mid sell the Property u, 'rrustcc, in bust, with power <br />of sale. Tustor also warrants that the Properly is unencumbered except for encumbrances of record. <br />7. DUE ON SALE. Beneficiary may, at its option, declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to be immediately due <br />and payahle upon the creation of, or contract for the ctentuai of, a transfer or sale of the Property phis right is suhjcct <br />to the restrictions imposed by federal law (12 CF.R. 591), as applicable. <br />S. DEFAULT. Truster will be in default ifany of the following occur' <br />Fraud. Any Consumer Borrower engages in Gaud or material mtsrepreacmalion in connection with the Sc rued Debt <br />that in an open end home equity plan <br />Payments. Any Consumer Borrower on mry Secured Debt that is an open end home equity plan fails to make a payment <br />when due. <br />Property. Any action m inaction by the Bra rower or I justor occurs that adversely affects the Propefty or Beneficial} %s <br />rights in the Property_ This includes, but is not limited to. the following' (a) Trust,,, rails to maintain required <br />insurance nn the Property; (b) Trustnr transfers the Properly, (c) Trustnr commits waste or otherwtse destructrvcly uses <br />or fails to maintain the Proper such that the action or inaction adversely affects Beneficiary's sectnily� (d) Truxtor fails <br />to pay taxes on the Property I, I I fad, to act and thereby causes a lien to he filed against the Property that is <br />senior to the Ian of till: Se uiity Instrument. (c) a sole l orator dtcs; (t) if more [Iran one I ruslof, an Gustor dies and <br />Reneficiary', security is ad 'ersely affected; (g) the Property, is taken Through eminent domain; (h) a judunent is filed <br />against Trustor and suhjccts Truxtor and the Property to action that adversely affects Beneficial,', interest. or (p a poor <br />],,,,holder forecloses on the Property and as a result. Beneficiay" interest rs adversely affected <br />Executive Officers. Any Bon'owcr is an execauive officer of Beneficiary or an affiliate and such Borrower becomes <br />indebted to Beneficiary or another lender in an aggregate amount greater than the amount permitted under federal laws <br />and regulations. <br />9. REMEDIES ON DEFALLT. In addition to any other remedy available under the terns of This Security lux(I umrent <br />Beneficiary may accelerate the Secured Debt and foreclose this Security Instrument in a manner provided by law if <br />Ion,tot' is m default. In corn, instances_ federal and state law will require Reneficiary to provide Tru'inr with notice of <br />fire right to cure, or other rm cos and uas establish time schedules for foreclosure actions. Each TiLxlflr rcgUell' a copy <br />of any notice of default and arry notice of sale thereunder be mailed to each Trustor at the address provided in Section I <br />'hove <br />At the option of the Beneficiary, all or any par[ of the agreed fees and charges, accrued interest and principal shall <br />beenne immediately due and payable _ after giving notice if required by law. upon the occurrence of a default or <br />anytime thereafter. <br />If there is a default, Trustee shall, at die request of the Benefciary, advertise and sell the Property as a w1iole or in <br />separate parcels at public auction to file highest bidder for cash and convey absolute title Gee and clear of all right, title <br />and interest of Trustor at such time and place as Trustee designates. Trustee shall give notice of sale including the time, <br />terns and place of sale and a description of the property to be sold as required by the applicable law in effect at the time <br />,If the proposed sale. <br />Upon sd, of file properly and to die extent nut prnhfbimd by law_ I r,tee shall make and deliver a deed to the Property <br />sold which conveys absolute title (o the ImIdal et and after firel paying all fees, charges and costs. shall pay to <br />Beneficiary all moneys motioned for repairs taxes, insurance, liens, assessments and prior encumhrances and interest <br />thereon_ and the principal and interest on the Secured Debt paying the surplus. if any, ma Trustor. Beneficiary may <br />purchase the Property The recitals ill any deed of cona,yanec shall be puma facie evidence of the facts set fofth <br />therein. <br />The acceptance by Beneficiary of Lilly sum in payment or partial payment on the Secured Debt after the holanec is due or <br />is accelerated or after fore,1k;,me proceedings are tiled shall not constitute a waiver of Benefciary s right m require <br />complete cure of any existing default By not exercising any remedy ou TI'list,),'s default. Bencfic iaI doer not w'aiac <br />Beneficiary' x right to later consider file even I a default if it happens again <br />10. EXPENSES; ADVANCES ON COVENANT S; ATTORNEYS' FEES; COLLECTION COSTS II Tutor breaches <br />any covenant in this Secuity Insinaturt Trustor agrees to pay all expenses Beneficiary incurs iu petfn'mtng such <br />covenants or protecting its security molest in the Property_ Such expenses include, but are not Honied to fees incurred <br />for inspecting, preserving or otherwise protecting the Property and Beneficiary's security inuicst. These expenses are <br />payable on demand and i all bear interest from the dale of payment until paid in full at Ilse higheN rat, of interest in <br />effect as pro ided in the terms of the Secured Debt l rustor agrees to pry all costs and expenses incurred by Beneficiary <br />in collcchub enlbuing or protecting Beneicmry's right. and remedies under this Security Instru icin This amount may <br />include. hill Is not limited to, llarsmc's fell_ court casts. and other legal expenses. To the extent permitted by the <br />Lnifed Stale, Bankruptcy Code, I ru.aor agrees to pay the reasonable aNOrneys' fees Beneficiary incurs to collect the <br />Secured Debt as award,d by any court exercising jurisdiction under the Bankruptcy Code T his Sccurily lnstrument shall <br />remain to effect until released. T ustor agrees to pay for any recordation costs of such release. <br />IL ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used in fires section. I U Environmental Law <br />means_ without limitation the Comprehensive Fnvirmunenml Response Compensalion mid Liabilitt Act (CFRCLA, 42 <br />I;.S.( . 9601 at seq. ). and all other federal. state and local Taws_ regulations. ordinances_ court looters. attorney general <br />I ;mans or rnterpreticc letters ecuceiri nb the puhlic health, sa@ty, welim, environment or a hazardous substance and <br />(2) hazardous Substance mcans any toxic, lmhoacliwe or hazardous mammal. waste, pollutant or contaminant which has <br />characteristics which render the substance dmryeoovs or potentially dangerous to the public health, safety. welfare or <br />environment The term includes, without Jinntabor, any substances defined as' "hazm'do., material," "toxic substances." <br />"hazardous vraste" oo "hazardous substance" under any fro iionmental Law_ <br />Tuuslor represent,, 11111,111 mid agrees that <br />v. I xcept as pars loud} disclosed and Licknmvledgctl in writing to Beneficiary, no Hazardous Substance is or will he <br />located. stored or released o l or in the Pooperty- I Ills restriction does nut apply to small quantities of Hazardous <br />Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate for the normal use and nininmnance of the Property=. <br />B_ Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Beneficiary. Trustor and every tenant lace Moen, <br />arc, and +hall femain in full compliance will any applicable Envinnumenlal Law. <br />C'. 'rustor shall immediately notify Beneficiary if a release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance occurs on. <br />render or about the Properly, or (here is a violation of any Environmental, Laic concerning the Property_ In such au <br />event. 'I rustor shall fake all necessary remedjal action in accordance with any I_ii,n onm,ant Lac. <br />4) <br />- C465(NE) asor: of <br />so <br />