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V f t MR-Me, <br />24. EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT: In the event a member fails to <br />maintain a lot according to Paragraph 23 above, the Corporation may, upon 10 days <br />written notice to the member, maintain the lot and the exterior of any improvement and <br />shall have the right to enter upon any lot, at reasonable time, to perform such <br />maintenance. The written notice shall specify the required maintenance and the time in <br />which it must be completed. The actual cost of the maintenance, plus a 10% <br />administrative fee, shall be paid by the member within 10 days of billing. Upon failure of <br />the member to remit payment, the cost of maintenance and administrative fee shall be <br />specially assessed against the lot, shall bear interest at the rate provided for unpaid <br />assessments and, when shown of record, shall be a lien upon the lot. <br />25. ADDITIONS: Developer may add any real estate or facility included in the <br />Commercial Properties that is owned by Developer to the Commons ( "Additional <br />Commons "), at any time, without the consent of the members of the Corporation. <br />Developer also may add contiguous or adjacent real estate to the Commercial Properties <br />( "Additional Properties ") without the consent of the members of the Corporation. Additions <br />shall be made by the execution of recordation of Restrictive Covenants upon the additional <br />real estate, making the addition subject to these Restrictive Covenants. <br />26. FINAL PLAT AMENDMENT: Developer shall have the right at any time to <br />amend the Final Plat in which the Commercial Properties and Commons may be located. <br />Members of the Corporation, other than the Developer, may not amend the Final Plat <br />without the prior written consent of the Developer. Members of the Corporation covenant <br />not to object to any amendment of the Final Plat, provided the amendment does not <br />change their lot configuration. Upon approval by the City of Grand Island of any <br />amendment to the Final Plat, the amended lot configurations shall govern interpretation of <br />these Restrictive Covenants. <br />27. AMENDMENTS: These Restrictive Covenants shall run with the land and <br />shall be binding upon and enforceable by the Developer, the Corporation and all persons <br />claiming under the Developer. These Restrictive Covenants may be terminated or <br />modified, in writing, by the holders of two - thirds of the total of voting rights established <br />under Paragraph 14. <br />28. ENFORCEMENT: The enforcement of these Restrictive Covenants may be <br />by proceedings at law or in equity against any person violating or attempting to violate any <br />provision hereof. The proceedings may be to restrain the violation, or to recover damages <br />and, by the Corporation, may be to enforce any lien or obligation created hereby. <br />I <br />