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200208781 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8756 (Cont.) <br />Grand West LLC Lot 33, Grand West Third Subdivision 2,859.55 <br />Grand West LLC Lot 34, Grand West Third Subdivision 2,859.55 <br />Grand West LLC Part of Lot 2, Ross Acres Subdivision, more particularly 27,584.58 <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 24, Grand West <br />Subdivision; thence north on the east line of Grand West <br />Subdivision to the north line of Craig Drive; thence west <br />on the north line of Craig Drive to the southeast comer <br />of Lot 25, Grand West Subdivision; thence north on the <br />east line of Lot 25, Grand West Subdivision to the north <br />line of Lot 2, Ross Acres Subdivision; thence east on the <br />north line of Lot 2 to a point 88.5 feet east of the <br />southwest corner of R & B Subdivision; thence south on <br />a line perpendicular to the south line of R & B <br />Subdivision for a distance of 139.91 feet; thence west on <br />a line 139.91 feet south of and parallel to the south line <br />of R & B Subdivision for a distance of 60 feet more or <br />less; thence south on a line perpendicular to the south <br />line of Lot 2, Ross Acres Subdivision for a distance of <br />190 feet to the south line of Lot 2, Ross Acres <br />Subdivision; thence west on the south line of said Lot 2 <br />for a distance of 350 feet to the point of beginning. <br />City of Grand Island Part of the NW1/4 of the SW1 14 of Section 11- 11 -10, more 27,323.44 <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Northwest corner of R. & B. Second <br />Subdivision; thence west on the extension of the north line of <br />said Subdivision a distance of 150'; thence south parallel to the <br />west line of Mansfield Road, a distance of 730'; thence east 150' <br />to the west line of Mansfield Road; thence north a distance of <br />730' to the point of beginning. <br />TOTAL $626,645.35 <br />SECTION 2. The special tax shall become delinquent as follows: One -tenth of <br />the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days; one -tenth in one year; one -tenth in two <br />years; one -tenth in three years; one -tenth in four years; one -tenth in five years; one -tenth in six <br />years; one -tenth in seven years; one -tenth in eight years; and one -tenth in nine years respectively, <br />after the date of such levy; provided, however, the entire amount so assessed and levied against <br />any lot, tract or parcel of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without <br />interest, and the lien of special tax thereby satisfied and released. Each of said installments, <br />Approved as to Form <br />car- <br />-5- August 20. 2002 ♦ City Attorney <br />
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