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200208780 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8759 (Qont.) <br />point of beginning; thence continuing northeasterly on said south line of Anna <br />Street for a distance of One Hundred Seven and Forty One Hundredths (107.41) <br />feet; thence running S29 °23'45 "E a distance of One Hundred Thirty Two and <br />Five Hundredths (132.05) feet to a point on the northerly line of an existing <br />easement retained from the vacation of an alley by Ordinance No. 6210, and filed <br />in the Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 77-006115; thence running <br />S59 °01'21 "W along the northerly line of said easement, a distance of One <br />Hundred Six and Seventy Hundredths (106.70) feet to a point Nineteen (19) feet <br />northeasterly of the southeast corner of Lot One (1), Block Four (4), Parkhill <br />Second Subdivision; thence running N29 °43'04 "W to the point of beginning and <br />containing 0.328 acres more or less. <br />SECTION 2. The title to the property vacated by Section 1 of this ordinance shall <br />revert to the owner or owners of the real estate abutting the same in proportion to the respective <br />ownership of such real estate. <br />SECTION 3. This ordinance is directed to be filed in the office of the Register of <br />Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its <br />passage and publication, without the plat, within fifteen days in one issue of the Grand Island <br />Independent as provided by law. <br />Enacted: August 13, 2002. <br />Attest: <br />RaNae Edwards, City Clerk <br />Ken Ckfa4t, Mayor <br />�'FL'RASd�P <br />Approved as to Form <br />- 2 - August 20, 2002 !7771 <br />