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FILE: TA -44441 200208765 <br />EXHIBIT 'A' <br />PARCEL A (OWNERS POLICY): <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SWI /4) and a part of the Northwest <br />Quarter (NWT /4) of Section Twenty Five (25), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of <br />the 6th P.M, and a part of the Northeast Quarter (NEI /4), an of the Northwest Quarter (NWT /4), all <br />of the Southwest Quarter (SM /4), and a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section Twenty Six <br />(26), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) Went of the 6th P.M, all being in Han County, <br />Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows; <br />Begtnofng at the southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter (SWI /4) of sad Section Twenty Five (25); <br />thence ruining northerly, along and upon the east line of the Southwest Quarter (SWI /4) and the <br />Northwest Quarter (NWT /4) of said Section Tweuty Five (25), a distance of Five Thousand Six and <br />Seventy Three Hundredths (5,006.73) feet to a point which is Two Hundred Ninety One and Ninety Four <br />Hundredths (291.94) rmt south of the northeast cerum of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of said <br />Section Twenty Five (25); thence deflecting left 90°01'54" and running westerly, a distance of One <br />Thousand Nineteen and Forty Three Hundredths (1,M9A3) feet to a point of curvature; thence running <br />northwesterly, along and upon the a= of a curve to the right whose radius Is 36056 feet, of which, the <br />initial tangent of said curve coincides with the previously described course, a distance of Three Hundred <br />Twenty Two and Eighty Five Hundredths (322AS) feet (long chord distance= 312.17'4ong chord <br />deflecting right SF39VF from the previously described course) to a point of mageosY then= Fanning <br />northwesterly, along and upon the ra rthwenterly prolongation of the final tangent of the Previously <br />described curve, said prolongation deflecting right 2599'05' from the chord of the previously described <br />curve, a distance of Eighty Five and Six Tenths (85.60) f =t to a pant of curvature; thence running <br />northwesterly, along and upon the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is 257.73 feet, of which the <br />initial tangent of said curve coincides with the previously described course, a distance of Two Hundred <br />Twenty Nine and Fifty Nine Hundredths (22959) feet (long chord distance = 222.07- long chord <br />deflecting left 2591'125' from the previously described course) to a point of maggoty, said point also <br />being on the north lice of the Northwest Quarter (NWT /4) of sad Section Twenty Five (25); thence <br />running westerly, along and upon the north Hce of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of said Section <br />Twenty Five (25) and also being along and upon the westerly prolongation of the final tangent of the <br />previously described curve, said prolongation deflecting left 259172.* from the chord of the previously <br />described curve, a distance of One Thousand One Hundred One and Nineteen Hundredths (1,101.19) <br />f =t to the northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of said Section Twenty Six (26); thence <br />deflecting left 00°12035" and running westerly, along and upon the north line of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NET /4) of said Section Twenty Six (26), a distance of two Thousand Six Hundred Forty Nine and <br />Eighty Four Hundredths (2,64984) f =t to the northeast coruer of the Northwest Quarter (NWT /4) of <br />sold Section Twenty Six (26); thence deflecting left 00°08150' and running westerly, along and upon the <br />north Hue of the Northwest Quarter (NWT /4) of said Section Twenty Six (26), a distance of Two <br />Thousand Six Hundred Fifty and Thirty Four Hundredths (2,65034) f =t to the northwest corner of the <br />Northwent Quarter (NWI /4) of said Section Twenty Six (26); thence deflecting left 8934'10' and running <br />southerly, along and upon the west line of the Northwest Quarter (NWT /4) of said Section Twenty Six <br />(26), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Two and Thirty Two Hundredths (2,65232), feet to <br />the northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter (SWI /4) of said Section Twenty Six (26); thence <br />deftecUog right 00'02140" and running southerly, along and upon the west line of the Southwest Quarter <br />(SWI /4) of said Section Twenty Six (26) a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Two and Ninety <br />Four Hundredths (2,652.94) f =t to the southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter (SWl /4) of said <br />Section Twenty Six (26); thence deflecting left 90'19'25' and running easterly, along and upon the south <br />line of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of said Section Twenty Six (26), a distance of Two Thousand Six <br />Hundred Fifty Four and Filly Two Hundredths (2,65452) feet to the southwest corner of the Southeast <br />Quarter (SEI /4) of said Section Twenty Six (26); thence deflecting left 89645900" and running northerly, <br />along and upon the west line of the Southeast Quarter (SET /4) and Northeast Quarter (NEI /4) of Said <br />section Twenty Six (26), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Nine and Seventy Two <br />Hundredths (2,669.72) f =t; thence deflecting right 90*N'00" and running easterly, a distance of Two <br />Thousand Six Hundred Sissy Three and Thirty Four Hundredths (2966334) fect; thence deflecting left <br />90°0613" and running northerly, a distance of One Hundred Fifty Four and Sic Tenths (154.60) fcey <br />thence deflecting right 92°3922" and running ess4ely, a distance of One Hundred Thirty Two and <br />.. sv.-m .e eo... n". ,."o-aa,— Tx lJTxawo <br />