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DEED OF TRUST 200208678 Pagel <br />Loan No: 34493 (Continued) <br />( {/� INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />STATE OF _.._( 1�J- __-- _..._.— ) <br />)SS <br />COUNTY VF- _�tj�L <br />On this day before me, the undorslgned Notary public, parsonally oppoarod Kenneth D. S•' Ill, Jr. And Christina J. Schad. to mo known to be <br />the Individuals described in and who oxacuted the Dead of Trust, and ncknowladg0d flat Ihey algnud the Olson of Trust as their tray and <br />voluntary act and do W, lot the uses and purgation th0ra a "balance. //,, <br />Given under my hand and official coal This __,fll - -- day of /W-:1 -��J /f,/1 <br />GENERAL NGTAAY -Biala of Ne0raska Z4O tic In and for the Stale al _ < . - - - -- <br />III KRIS ANN WILLIAMS Residing at <br />NY Sammlesen IN, 8 16 200 My commission expires {_. /(._U.� _----- - - - --- <br />(To be used only when obligations have heart paid In full) <br />To'__— ..._. —_. .__— __- - - -.__ Trustee <br />The undersigned Is the legal owner and holder of all Indebtedness Sopped by this DOW of Trust. All sums secular] by this DOW of Trust have <br />boon fully paid and sahefiod. You ar0 hereby directed, upon paymonl to you of any sums owing to you under the forms of this Daniel of Trust or <br />pursuant to tiny applicable Actual0, to cancel the Note secured by this Data of Trust (which Is d0w.led la you together with the Door] of Trurt), <br />and to mcnnvey, without warranty, to the parties annotated by the terms 01 this Dead of Trust, too &elate new hold by you under Nis Doal of <br />trust. Indeed mall the reconvayance end Relined Docuinonls to <br />Date: <br />Boaalidary: <br />ey: <br />Its: <br />