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DEED OF TRUST 20020867'S <br />Loan No: 34493 (Continued) .Page 3 <br />purposes W41 than War Intaml at me rate charged unde, IN Note Iran Ile dale lounad Or paid by t alder to the date Or repayment by Tmstor <br />Ad Sol expanses All become a am OI Ills Indebtedness are, at LOMB! s oplum. will (A) N ltlyade MI dome.). (R) W aMae N IN d11nMa <br />M AN Nete AN W appmened. arrxxg amt be paYebla with any derelma1 My"ats m became due during allher, (1) Ma Ieno Of any <br />applicable movence policy: or (2) No ra l lnirlp lens of the Nolo: Or (C) to award as a Lwlloon payment which will N due AN Nyade al Me <br />NOW's maturity. Tile Dead of Treat also will secure payment of MOSS amoNs. The rights lumeded for M this NiNglaph shall Me m arkrldn M <br />any abler rights or any ranalla9 to whi LaMar ray N snlnled an aCCOunt Of any default Ally auth aclgn by Lamdor shall Ml N Co9bUad aR <br />coal Me NIau11 So as to Wr LaMar Iran any remedy that it onvineise would axe had, <br />WARRANTY: DEFENSE OF TITLE. The mellowing provisions rentimd 10 Ownership of me PropmM am a park of This Dad of Trust. <br />This. Tl.stor wanAnls trial (0) Truslor holds goo are markande too of rocord Io iN Prori n fee %i r"00. Ire AN clam Of all Ilona and <br />A%aamnces other No base Sea bah In the Roml Plopwty oomr pen M In any title insurance talky, lilts roped, of last lire Mmow <br />issued n favor of are axeplat by. Lateral, In corvgciron with true Dad of Trust, nM (II) Tula Ms the fun npnt, power, ad eorhol to <br />exo0ulo AM ddNM this Dead of Trust to I.~ <br />Dome of Talmo. uua4act to IN exception in the paragmem move, Truslor warrants AM will forever deloM the tide to Me Pror1OM against <br />the lawful Cbna of all pashas. In Me gvali nay action el, prmoudeg I, ae armi that questions Truster's fill@ err the I'Mad Of trustee a <br />medal, solar Ills Dad of Trvsh Truslor Well Wand mn tram al Truslor'e Oxpnse. Truster MY W the permanent pare In such proceeding, <br />bui Len.lor %NIi N «nerd to padkiNlo ul IN P rMOOdinq ere to N nroremnlaf n Ibs VrucoMm, by mareel of LaMar'. Own Glace, and <br />TrV51q will dnLva, OI cause 10 IV ddNalli to LuAMa osiv,ma4a as Landur any fagmeat train time Ol lisle to puma own <br />Compliance 4VIah Laws. roster woman INI the Property are Twisters u9a of MU rimparty conlples wan all exiatur j npplKebll Ww4, <br />UrdlnilKen, AM regulation, Of oOvolnummial tionlentas. <br />Surma of Premises. All promises. Aglookou la, and alafamalts Truslor has ndea in this Deed of Thai Stan Serves Ire ourrutbn aid <br />dWrvery of this Dead of Trust, eNil N Continuing in More are moll IMain n 1.11 force are effect anal Such time as BorrowBrs <br />IndeaWreass IS No In Iu11, <br />CONDEMNATION. The folWwnp olovision5 rOWing to condemnation procaedngs Oro a Pad of Mis DOW of Trust: <br />Proceedings. If any 1ruceMIng in ONemaMlial is filed Treater civil promptly teeny Leader In writing, are Truslor still prool lake such <br />Maps as They N re .ssary to defend Iha action AM Oman Me awOm. Treace may N IN nominal pare in Such proceeding, NI Leda <br />shall W damed, l0 parui 1pale In Me pr%eMllg ere to W reposenle l In L1%, proceeding by COUrmd of Ina own andel and TmeN, eel <br />ddrver or cause to W dellveret110 Lender such Instruments and %Cunlmi as They me requested by La Ma from tine t0 tine to Morrvi <br />Such pe nlciprlon. <br />Application of Net PrNaMa. If all Or army part Of AN Property IS contended by amt ra roman pmcaMngs or by any Mccaed'ng Or <br />purchase in lieu of Cdltlananixn, Leader lay At IS Notnn require Mat all or any potion of tle net pl, %each of IN Award be applied M Me <br />matuadnese or the Impair Or mstaanden of the Prooki TN not preco%s of the award mall moan the sward after payment a all <br />masenable ci exp rri tied attorneys' lees Imorred by Thai or Lander h cannotte n with Ina O QM Vlxxs. <br />IMPOSITION OF TAXES: FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. TIN following provisoes Maleg to governmental taxes, <br />lees are morgue are n pan of ells Dead 01 Trust: <br />Currant Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Leader, Treanor shall execute Such documents in addition to Ilk Deed Of Trust and <br />lake wNt"Or OM& action IS requested by LaMar to prom, and cxlntinuo La dos lien on Me Real Property. Trader shall relmdxse Leader <br />fer all muse, as described below, . mgaNr with All exIal IMMrad In recoNing, plural Or continuing Wa 0@0 01 Tran, i oluding <br />without smstron all Wass, fees, odeamlentery, stamps, and airier Charge, for r%ordlrq M registering this Dead of TrML <br />Taxes. The lol "Im; snail M,NNUN taxes to which MIS section applies: (1) a speckle tax upon Mk type of Deed of TnRI Or upon An or are <br />on of IN IMebteMase Secured by this Deed of Trust; (2) a eleecno lax an Borrower which Banwa Is aulodsed M required do Wow <br />from Payments on the Indebtedness socurod by MIS type of Oean of Trust: (3) a lax on MW type of Deed of Trust cresdambla agelhat are <br />LaMar or Me adder of Me Note: ere (4) a specilk lax an air or any portion of the Indable eeas or an PSYm@ns 01 Parei and Owmt <br />merle by Bonowa. <br />Subsequent Taxes, 14 any tax N which this Seclnn OPONS 1s' enacted aubsdTuOre to to Mae of this Dear of Trust, Mk avant shell Nw ere <br />$.,,,a eli as an.EYalt Of Default, pre Larder My exercise tiny or all of as aaukr a rmntales for an Event of Detau t as pWdrd MkOw <br />ages% Truslor either (1) pays the lax before it becomes tlOdguenn, or (2) ctniesla the lax as provided AM,O n the Texas AM Lens <br />Section and "Nails with LoMa man or a surklent corporate 6urOry Mid a often rune/ satisfactory 10 Larder. <br />SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The f0luwlrp M0101i totaling to this 09W of Trust ere a $%Wily agreement are s pan <br />VI ens Dead of TmeL <br />Security Agreement. This laarlene o shall monalilule a Security Agreement of rho exlUnt any 01 the PTOPWIY ca hamaee Molina, and Locker <br />soli Nine all Of AN lights or a Secures party undo Me Un1am Comnaclal Coro as dill MOd him di to It". <br />Security Interest, Upon requae by LaMar, Truslor still execute falanbing RMlemanls AM Wks wOSvM Odhi Action k requested by <br />Larder 1d pan %t nM Continue LeMors socially internal of the Personal Preal In addden M Molding Mk Dodd Of Trust n Me real <br />property records, Lerni may, at any time and without furho, automeallon Iran Trui le@ ex%u1M c0un -hXd` e. C'003 M'Opsduchons <br />of me Used of Too as a Immi sWlemonL Truslor shell rannbumo Lender for n'.1 expense irNUrred n WKIng or CoNWg it"s <br />s %airy al,no n. Upon Nkuit.: T ... to, mall at remove. a.... or Watch in. PM9(11411 Pfopelry Iron the "I lial Upon Wroull, TfusIM <br />shall mswrs$. All" Femonal Noxi Mt affixed in the PrnryM it a rrvinna and nl a Place ra,oWd y convenient n Trader are Lsocar <br />WA men It swung. to LaMar MINI miss 111 MIyR .1101 ni of walu m demand I,,m Ned or to the O.Nlt Mooted by APPlit a No <br />Add Makes. IN mating millfe'umom Of Tnu9Nr (debar and I ardor (m%urM pony) :Ann whah nMnainn remaining Me sa:urlry merest <br />gmnlal by this Dooll of Taal lay N oOWhed rain 43 squaw by the Unifier) Grrv°iurr,ia1 Cecil) are as Slow on be Ivan page WI this <br />Dare G Trust <br />FURTHER ASSURANCES: ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. The lJ6.09 povisana mating to rwlhm asawAnci. axe asaney-ni are a pan or Me <br />DOM or rout <br />Further Assurances. At any limo, and from Lae fo emu, upon mould of Lends', 'tr0:mr will rakn, axis to AM Manner. or we UNIN 10 N <br />.Me, executed M dolworod, b LOMB, el, M LaMar, di, lWfle, and when rauji by LaMSr, to be read, r%dder, rot too, M <br />ra.rcaued, as Mu caw nay N, at such cMu and h Such offices ma places as Lw'anr bay dean, tpp%l,Wie, any and W suer RBJIIlal00, <br />daze or lust, sal Mal %sadly Apses ts, 6 nano" amlemaU, Cobnuseen 9radoleaba, Inutrummk Of female assureski. <br />comical". are aMM document, AS mad, RI Ir,rl adq CpniMm G LaMar, be necessary or 1091,011. m MdW IO eff %1W IY, whet le, WOOL <br />conlaue, or paaerva (I) Borrower's and Tr"mr's n litprllons iii NO Note, this Data of Trial are IN Rgalel Doca~ s, AM M <br />pro 11Bre AM security uearesto cnelaf by this Dead of 'trust as test and one, wine an pie Pecol wNM awe owes a Mxi <br />Acquired by Trusan, UMM prohmi by law or Leader agrees to Me contrary in onlema, Lualon salt reneurea Landed Ma All CO@la AM <br />,,Naas neuned in eanoelVn.$in IN memors,efared to in ells p0,.graph. <br />Anomey- IfnFact. If Tmomr lase 10 do any of nun things IalorrM to In the preceding rasgmph. Lawler may N w ml, axe In M@ ham@ W <br />Taster are at Tmstor m. expense. For ouch purpose%, Teuslar hereby Irrev %ably appoints LaMar as Trvslor'a e0aapirvl %I for 1a <br />purpose of raking, executing, dadverng, ring, recording, and doing all chat Mugs as lay be necessary M dusaii In Leaders ere <br />Oph'4n, n a%orlpumh bbl mxaaas starred as In Me preceding Paograph, <br />FULL PERFORMANCE. If Borrewo, pays all the Indsbianesa, IMINIng wllmut IRoikihrt Ill future aMmx'ee, wan dual are otherwise imorm <br />all Me dxgulon, mooted upon TruRior I'M., MIS Died ul Trust, LaMar mall oxwuio are deliver to Truss$ a req.061 Nr IWI mC illyVI AIM axe <br />shat @%acute axe dol III T1usfM Surety. sal emonm Of NrmOHl,on of ony I aing AIi on lea "derang LoOder'5 9W alty 41101140141 IN <br />Ranee and fro punOnal PmtVrly. MV rm:MrvaYnrxs IRO nviutrd! DV kw shall h@ Pad by TrunlM, R pgnnMM by ePplknNe Ww. <br />EVENTS OF DEFAULT. AI Lenda'n uplbn, Tnmtee win le III tlxNUp urxluV 111W DVaI d Tni.. II P,,Y of Inn Idawing lepfiem <br />PRymant DgM1.11. {kllenwe11r 161V IaNa ilny (1nY11Mn1 warn Jlie aM1e111U hldeblNlnr l9 <br />