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200208664 <br />4. Storm Drainage. The Subdividers agree to grade all lots in the subdivision in <br />conjunction with the development proposed thereon so that storm drainage is conveyed to a public <br />right -of -way or to other drainage systems so approved by the Director of Public Works. <br />5. Detention Cell Restrictions. The Subdividers agree that signage shall not be <br />located within Lot One (1). <br />6. Landscaping. The Subdividers agree to complywith the requirements of the <br />Landscaping Regulations of the City of Grand Island, and plans as submitted to and approved by the <br />City's Building Department. <br />Sidewalks. The Subdividers shall install all public sidewalks as required by <br />the City of Grand Island when the lots are built upon, and such sidewalk shall be regulated and <br />required with the building permit for each such lot. <br />Engineering Data. All final engineering plans and specifications for public <br />improvements shall bear the signature and seal of a registered professional engineer and shall be <br />furnished by the Subdividers to the Department of Public Works for approval prior to contracting for <br />construction of any improvements. Inspections of improvements under construction shall be <br />performed under the supervision of a professional registered engineer and upon completion shall be <br />subject to inspection and approval by the Department of Public Works prior to acceptance by the <br />City of Grand Island. An "as built" set of plans and specifications including required test results <br />bearing the seal and signature of a registered professional engineer shall be filed with the Director of <br />Public Works by the Subdividers prior to acceptance of these improvements by the City. <br />Warranty. The undersigned owners, as Subdividers, warrant that they are the <br />owners in fee simple of the land described and proposed to be known as CRANE VALLEY <br />3- <br />