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2c)o ;2_ 0,F(orn3 <br />ANNEXATION AREA NO.2 <br />Beginning at a point Thirty Three (33.0) feet north of the northeast corner of Lassonde <br />Subdivision, said point being on the west right -of -way line of the Ord Branch of the Union <br />Pacific Railroad; thence west on the north line of Capital Avenue to the east line of Saint Paul <br />Road; thence south on the east line of Saint Paul Road to the southwest corner of Lot Three (3) <br />Norwood Subdivision; thence east on the south line of Lot Three (3) Norwood Subdivision; <br />thence south on the east line of Norwood Subdivision to the north line of Lincoln Heights <br />Subdivision; thence cast on the north line of Lincoln Heights Subdivision to the northeast corner <br />of Lincoln Heights Subdivision; thence south on the east line of Lincoln Heights Subdivision to <br />the southeast corner of Lincoln Heights Subdivision, said point being on the south line of the <br />Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section 10 -11 -9; thence east on the south line of the Northwest <br />Quarter (NWl /4) and the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of Section 10 -11 -9 to the southwest corner <br />of Lot Eleven (11), Frank P. Bark's Subdivision; thence north on the west line of Frank P. Bark's <br />Subdivision, Frank P. Bark's Subdivision No. 2, Frank P. Bark's Subdivision No. 3 and <br />Goodrich Subdivision to the southeast corner of Fox Creek Subdivision; thence southerly and <br />westerly along the south line of Fox Creek Subdivision to the southwest corner of Fox Creek <br />Subdivision; thence north on the west line of Fox Creek Subdivision to the south line of Capital <br />Avenue; thence east on the south line of Capital Avenue and a prolongation thereof to the east <br />line of Sky Park Road; thence south on the east line of Sky Park Road for a distance of Three <br />Hundred (300.0) feet; thence east on a line Three Hundred Thirty -Three (333.0) feet south of and <br />parallel to the north line of Section 11 -11 -9; thence north on a line Eighty Five (85.0) feet east of <br />and parallel to the east line; of Sky Park Road to a point Thirty Three (33.0) feet south of the line <br />common to Section 11 -11 -9 and Section 2 -11 -9; thence east on a line Thirty -Three (33.0) feet <br />south and parallel to a line common to Section 11 -11 -9 and Section 2 -11 -9, to a point Thirty - <br />Three (33.0) feet south of the southeast comer of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4) of Section 2- <br />11-9; thence north on the east line of the Southwest Quarter (SWl /4) of Section 2 -11 -9 to the <br />northwest corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (Sl /2, <br />NWl/4, SE1 /4), Section 2 -11 -9; thence east on the north line of the South Half of the Northeast <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (S1 /2, NE1 /4, SE1 /4) of Section 2 -11 -9 to the east line of Shady <br />Bend Road, said point being Thirty Three (33.0) feet east of the west line of Section 1 -11 -9; <br />thence north on said east line of Shady Bend Road to the south line of Airport Road; thence east <br />on the south line of Airport Road to a point Thirty -Three (33.0) south of and Three Thousand <br />Three Hundred Thirty -One and Forty -Six Hundredths (3,331.46) feet east of the northwest <br />corner of Section 1 -11 -9; thence north on a line to a point Three Thousand Three Hundred <br />Thirty -Four and Thirty -Five Hundredths (3,334.35) feet east of and Thirty -Three (33.0) feet <br />north of the north line of Section 36 -12 -9, said point being on the north line of Abbott Road; <br />thence west on the north line of Abbott Road to the east line of Quandt Road; thence north on the <br />east line of Quandt Road to a point Thirty -Three (33.0) feet east of and One Thousand Three <br />Hundred Forty -Eight and Thirty -Five Hundredths (1,348.35) feet north of the southwest corner <br />of Section 25 -12 -9; thence west on the south line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter (NEl /4, SEl /4), Section 26 -12 -9, to a point One Thousand Two Hundred Seventy -Seven <br />and Sixty -Eight Hundredths Feet (1,277.68) feet west of the east line of Section 26 -12 -9; thence <br />north on the west line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE1 /4, SE1 /4) of <br />Section 26 -12 -9, and the west line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1 /4, <br />NE1 /4) of Section 26 -12 -9 for a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty and Eighty -Five <br />Exhibit "A" <br />