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ORDINANCE NO. 8748 <br />An ordinance to extend the boundaries and include within the corporate limits of, y S oa <br />and to annex to the City of Grand island, Nebraska, various tracts of land more particularly <br />described herein; to provide service benefits thereto; to confirm zoning classifications; to repeal <br />any ordinance or resolutions or parts of thereof in conflict herewith; to provide for publication in <br />pamphlet form; and to provide the effective date of this ordinance. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br />SECTION 1. It is hereby found and determined that: <br />(A) The seven tracts of land, the boundaries of which are hereinafter more <br />particularly described on Exhibits "A ", "B ", "D ", "E ", "F ", "G ", and "H ", are urban or suburban <br />in character, and that the subject property is contiguous or adjacent to the corporate limits of said <br />City. <br />(B) The subject lands will receive the material benefits and advantages currently <br />provided to lands within the City's corporate limits including, but not limited to police, fire, <br />emergency services, street maintenance, and utilities services upon annexation to the City of <br />Approved as to Form • g:::: t- <br />Mar.h 5, 1999 ♦ City Attorney <br />i n <br />n <br />N <br />M <br />C D <br />N <br />o <br />� <br />C <br />o <br />{{ tt <br />w <br />� � <br />W <br />N <br />W <br />O <br />' This <br />Space Reserved For Register of Deeds' <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8748 <br />An ordinance to extend the boundaries and include within the corporate limits of, y S oa <br />and to annex to the City of Grand island, Nebraska, various tracts of land more particularly <br />described herein; to provide service benefits thereto; to confirm zoning classifications; to repeal <br />any ordinance or resolutions or parts of thereof in conflict herewith; to provide for publication in <br />pamphlet form; and to provide the effective date of this ordinance. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br />SECTION 1. It is hereby found and determined that: <br />(A) The seven tracts of land, the boundaries of which are hereinafter more <br />particularly described on Exhibits "A ", "B ", "D ", "E ", "F ", "G ", and "H ", are urban or suburban <br />in character, and that the subject property is contiguous or adjacent to the corporate limits of said <br />City. <br />(B) The subject lands will receive the material benefits and advantages currently <br />provided to lands within the City's corporate limits including, but not limited to police, fire, <br />emergency services, street maintenance, and utilities services upon annexation to the City of <br />Approved as to Form • g:::: t- <br />Mar.h 5, 1999 ♦ City Attorney <br />
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