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200208620 <br />SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT <br />Pauline Mazankowski, a single person, who is the Beneficiary <br />in a Deed of Trust of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest <br />Quarter (NW°4SW'4) of Section Twenty -five (25), Township Ten (10), <br />Range' Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />dated March 18, 1992, which is recorded as document 92- 102223 in <br />the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, <br />does hereby formally make the following representations, and each <br />of them separately, to The Bank of Doniphan : <br />1. She makes these representations to persuade The Bank of <br />Doniphan (The Bank) to make loans to Huxtable Farms Partnership, <br />Barbara Huxtable, Dennis Huxtable, Angela Huxtable and Craig <br />Huxtable (The Debtors), and she is interested in The Bank's doing <br />so because of her family relationship and because she is a <br />creditor of The Debtors. <br />2. She intends that The Bank will rely upon these <br />representations in making loans to The Debtors and understands <br />that The Bank is riot willing to make loans to The Debtors unless <br />The Bank is given a first security lien upon the above described <br />real estate as collateral for those loans to The Debtors. <br />3. She is willing to subordinate the above described Deed <br />of Trust and the indebtedness which is secured thereby to The <br />Bank as hereinafter provided and requests The Bank to rely upon <br />the terms of that subordination hereinafter expressed in making <br />loans to The Debtors. <br />9. Pauline Mazankowski does hereby represent and agree to <br />the following terms of the subordination and each of those terms <br />separately: <br />A. The above described Deed of Trust and the <br />indebtedness secured thereby is hereby declared to be and shall <br />hereafter be construed as being subordinate to any and all debt <br />payable to The Bank of Doniphan by The Debtors, whether jointly <br />or severally, and to any Deed of Trust given by any one or more <br />of The Debtors to The Bank of Doniphan as security for that <br />indebtedness. <br />B. If Pauline Mazankowski or her assigns or personal <br />representatives forecloses the above described Deed of Trust as <br />if it were a mortgage or exercises the power of sale under the <br />provisions of the above described Deed of Trust, to the extent of <br />1 <br />