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A <br />T = D <br />'r m co <br />S b z i S <br />202 8563 <br />Slate of Nenraska Space Above This Llne For Recording Data <br />REAL ESTATE DEED OF TRUST <br />(with Future Advance Clause) <br />El Construction Security Agreement <br />DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Deed of Past (Security Instrument) 0,08(05/2002 _ <br />and the parties, their addresses and lax identification numbers, if required, are as follows: <br />TRUSTOR:THOMMS J BROWN, LORINDA BRANCH BROWN Formerly known as Lorinda LOU <br />Krance, Husband and Wife <br />2510 CONRERCE AVE <br />GRAND ISLAND, BE 68801 -7325 <br />If checked, retry to tic attached Addendum incotporated herein, fen additional Trustors, their signatures and <br />acknowledgments_ <br />TRUSTFE: Earl D Ahlschwede, Attorney <br />BFNFFICIARY: <br />Equitable Federal Savings Bank of Grand Island <br />113 -115 N. Locust Street <br />Grand Island, NE 68801 -6003 <br />2. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to <br />secure the Secured Debt (defined below) and Truatnr's performance under this Serenity Instrmnent, Trustor irrevocably <br />grants, cnnvcys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the benefit of Beneficiary, with power of sale, the following described <br />property: <br />LOT EIGHTEEN (18) EXCEPT THE EAST TWELVE FEET (121) THEREOF, IN BLOCK "C ", IN PARK <br />VIEW SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The property is located in Hall _ at 2510 COMMERCE AVE <br />_ _ tCunntyl <br />GRAND ISLAND Nebraska 68801 <br />IAtldresl ICIIYI V IP fnAel <br />I Ogether with all rights, easements, appllrtcnalle s, royalties, mineral rights, nil and gas rights, all water and riparian <br />rigbN, ditches, and water stock and all existing and future improvements, shwmres, fixtures, and replacements that may <br />now, or at any time in the furore, be part of the real estate described above (all referred to as "Property") - <br />3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any one lime <br />shall Out exceed $ 5, $00.00 _ This limitation of amount does not include interest mid other <br />fees slid charges validly made pursuant to this Security Instrument Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made <br />under the tenns of this Security Instrument to protect Beneficiary's security and to perform any of the covenants <br />contained in this Security Inshuntent. <br />4. SECURED DEBT AND F'U'TURE ADVANCES. The term "Secured Debt" is defined as follows: <br />A. Debt incurred under the terms of all pnnnissury note(s), cuntract(a), guarauty(s) or other evidence of debt <br />described below and all their extensions, renewals, modifications or auhstitufinns_ (Yon must epe"11111ilr ide"(111 <br />the debt(,) secured and rrnl shoold include the final maturity dote of such debr() _) <br />NEBRASKA - HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT DEED OF TRUST hum FOR FNMA FHIMP, FHA nave usq L� (page I of 4) <br />nc. <br />© IsaI dankars 9ydems. l, a Cloud. MN Polo OCP Hem NE 1113199 <br />-C465(NE) 19902, 0, VMe Mnere.AaFFneMS AH)5217201 <br />c <br />n In <br />O <br />ri <br />K <br />O <br />e0 <br />o <br />N <br />Tl ro <br />N <br />\� <br />x co <br />o <br />n <br />D 7c <br />.. <br />m <br />r n <br />>n <br />c� <br />c <br />JV <br />N <br />err <br />0 <br />Slate of Nenraska Space Above This Llne For Recording Data <br />REAL ESTATE DEED OF TRUST <br />(with Future Advance Clause) <br />El Construction Security Agreement <br />DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Deed of Past (Security Instrument) 0,08(05/2002 _ <br />and the parties, their addresses and lax identification numbers, if required, are as follows: <br />TRUSTOR:THOMMS J BROWN, LORINDA BRANCH BROWN Formerly known as Lorinda LOU <br />Krance, Husband and Wife <br />2510 CONRERCE AVE <br />GRAND ISLAND, BE 68801 -7325 <br />If checked, retry to tic attached Addendum incotporated herein, fen additional Trustors, their signatures and <br />acknowledgments_ <br />TRUSTFE: Earl D Ahlschwede, Attorney <br />BFNFFICIARY: <br />Equitable Federal Savings Bank of Grand Island <br />113 -115 N. Locust Street <br />Grand Island, NE 68801 -6003 <br />2. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to <br />secure the Secured Debt (defined below) and Truatnr's performance under this Serenity Instrmnent, Trustor irrevocably <br />grants, cnnvcys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the benefit of Beneficiary, with power of sale, the following described <br />property: <br />LOT EIGHTEEN (18) EXCEPT THE EAST TWELVE FEET (121) THEREOF, IN BLOCK "C ", IN PARK <br />VIEW SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The property is located in Hall _ at 2510 COMMERCE AVE <br />_ _ tCunntyl <br />GRAND ISLAND Nebraska 68801 <br />IAtldresl ICIIYI V IP fnAel <br />I Ogether with all rights, easements, appllrtcnalle s, royalties, mineral rights, nil and gas rights, all water and riparian <br />rigbN, ditches, and water stock and all existing and future improvements, shwmres, fixtures, and replacements that may <br />now, or at any time in the furore, be part of the real estate described above (all referred to as "Property") - <br />3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any one lime <br />shall Out exceed $ 5, $00.00 _ This limitation of amount does not include interest mid other <br />fees slid charges validly made pursuant to this Security Instrument Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made <br />under the tenns of this Security Instrument to protect Beneficiary's security and to perform any of the covenants <br />contained in this Security Inshuntent. <br />4. SECURED DEBT AND F'U'TURE ADVANCES. The term "Secured Debt" is defined as follows: <br />A. Debt incurred under the terms of all pnnnissury note(s), cuntract(a), guarauty(s) or other evidence of debt <br />described below and all their extensions, renewals, modifications or auhstitufinns_ (Yon must epe"11111ilr ide"(111 <br />the debt(,) secured and rrnl shoold include the final maturity dote of such debr() _) <br />NEBRASKA - HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT DEED OF TRUST hum FOR FNMA FHIMP, FHA nave usq L� (page I of 4) <br />nc. <br />© IsaI dankars 9ydems. l, a Cloud. MN Polo OCP Hem NE 1113199 <br />-C465(NE) 19902, 0, VMe Mnere.AaFFneMS AH)5217201 <br />