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T <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY'I'HESL PRESENTS, that the undersigned Trustee or successor Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust <br />desrrilmd below, having received from the Beneficiary under said Deed of Trust a written mquesl to reecnvey, reciting that the <br />obligation secured by said Deed of Trust has been fully paid and performed, hereby does grant, bargain. sell and convey, but without <br />any covenantor warranty, express or implied, to the person err pcsona legally entitled thereto, all of the estate held by the <br />mrdesigued in and to said below described premises byvirhre of said Deed of Tnrst. <br />In construing this instrument and wbenc%cr the umn;.zt hereof m requires, the singular includes the plural <br />Caanton SCOTT C. KISSLERAND JILL M. <br />This Space for Recorder's Use Only <br />Modgagcc: PENTAGON FEDERAL CREDIT <br />Document Prepared bv: <br />Project #: 1�,rs<ea0yee <br />� <br />J R MORTON X1321 <br />A-cj=# p: 2426[,261748 <br />rn <br />When recorded mail to <br />SCOTT C KISSLER <br />Pool #: <br />PTN /Tax ID #: <br />Date Recorded 2: <br />4009 KAY AVE <br />Investor #: <br />Comments: <br />GRAND ISLAND NE 688031506 <br />Property Address: <br />Mortgage Servicing Dept. /Calla <br />4009 KAY AVE <br />9 I\ <br />GRAND ISLAND <br />NE 68803 <br />T <br />m <br />\ <br />O <br />iT <br />N <br />n <br />m CY <br />m <br />r <br />W <br />to <br />n <br />ell <br />O <br />OJ <br />2 <br />N <br />2002084;14 <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY'I'HESL PRESENTS, that the undersigned Trustee or successor Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust <br />desrrilmd below, having received from the Beneficiary under said Deed of Trust a written mquesl to reecnvey, reciting that the <br />obligation secured by said Deed of Trust has been fully paid and performed, hereby does grant, bargain. sell and convey, but without <br />any covenantor warranty, express or implied, to the person err pcsona legally entitled thereto, all of the estate held by the <br />mrdesigued in and to said below described premises byvirhre of said Deed of Tnrst. <br />In construing this instrument and wbenc%cr the umn;.zt hereof m requires, the singular includes the plural <br />Caanton SCOTT C. KISSLERAND JILL M. <br />This Space for Recorder's Use Only <br />Modgagcc: PENTAGON FEDERAL CREDIT <br />Document Prepared bv: <br />Project #: 1�,rs<ea0yee <br />� <br />J R MORTON X1321 <br />A-cj=# p: 2426[,261748 <br />`\ <br />When recorded mail to <br />SCOTT C KISSLER <br />Pool #: <br />PTN /Tax ID #: <br />Date Recorded 2: <br />4009 KAY AVE <br />Investor #: <br />Comments: <br />GRAND ISLAND NE 688031506 <br />Property Address: <br />Mortgage Servicing Dept. /Calla <br />4009 KAY AVE <br />GRAND ISLAND <br />NE 68803 <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY'I'HESL PRESENTS, that the undersigned Trustee or successor Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust <br />desrrilmd below, having received from the Beneficiary under said Deed of Trust a written mquesl to reecnvey, reciting that the <br />obligation secured by said Deed of Trust has been fully paid and performed, hereby does grant, bargain. sell and convey, but without <br />any covenantor warranty, express or implied, to the person err pcsona legally entitled thereto, all of the estate held by the <br />mrdesigued in and to said below described premises byvirhre of said Deed of Tnrst. <br />In construing this instrument and wbenc%cr the umn;.zt hereof m requires, the singular includes the plural <br />Caanton SCOTT C. KISSLERAND JILL M. <br />1CISSLER <br />Modgagcc: PENTAGON FEDERAL CREDIT <br />UNION <br />'I Mstee: DONALD L. CHANDLER <br />Loan AnrounC $19,5oo.00 <br />Date of De .d: 01- 18 -20M <br />Date Recorded: 01 -27 -2000 <br />Date Recorded 2: <br />Beok'. N2 Page: NA <br />20MOD732 <br />Comments: <br />AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ON SAID DEED OF TRUST OR MORTGAGE REFERRED <br />TO HEREIN <br />intlw records of HALL County, State of Nebraska, and more particularly described an attachment. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed on 10/23/01. <br />Slate of V A <br />Pentagon Federal Credit Union <br />/� /, �Z� <br />CR le 0Mas <br />T C % <br />a news <br />s `tan Treasurer <br />County ofAlexundriu <br />Bolo:^o me the umdoisigned audmrin', a Notary Public d'ily commissioned mid qualified b, and forthn Stare and County <br />aforesaid, persena ly emus aryl aPPramd Leslie M. Thomas Jr, address beingAlexandrla, VA, of Pentagon Federal Credit <br />Union,U. S. Carporntim.. pesonallyknowwto me (or satisfactordypmved), who acknowledged execution of the romgoing <br />instrument as his/her voluntary act and deed, and the voluntary act and deed of such corporation, for 1M consideration and the <br />purposes tliSMnVxptessed mud contained, on lx+hdf of such oerpomtiou, this10 /23/01 <br />Notary rc:., byre. R. Morion <br />My Conliaaion Expires: 10 -31 -2001 <br />